Sunday, June 16, 2013


In ~8/17/2012 , I went to a Shoppers in Seven Corner, VA for the first time as I just moved to Arlington 3 months ago (you should spot me right away as I dressed different then most locals).  As soon as I went in, a middle age Chinese/Vietnamese/Korean woman pointed to me to a Black-American woman next to her and said with a heavy accent "she is a racist".  Such heavy accent indicated she might be just immigrated to the US from Asia.  

The Black-American woman asked her why, the middle age Chinese/Vietnamese/Korean woman said "she likes Americans". The Black-American woman laughed out loud and said "she is not a racist, no wonder she likes Americans."  The Black-American woman then said to me "Hello, how are you" and whether I needed help.

A very smart woman this Black-American woman, smarter then 90% of the people in the Silicon Valley as well anywhere in the US.  I said that because 90+% of the people had never asked WHY, just assumed that when she said racist, it means the same as a typical American's version of racist.  But instead, racist to her is "she likes Americans".

What she really wanted to say to the Black-American woman was that "she only likes White people".  She wanted to incite the Black-Amerian woman to hate me thinking the Black-American woman must've hated White people.  But because of her limited English ability, it came out as "she likes Americans" instead.  

See more on how the likes of this Chinese/Vietnamese/Korean woman's countrymen incited hatreds toward me in May blog "women smarter than them is the equivalent of slapping them on the face"

What kind of mindset is this middle age Chinese/Vietnamese/Korean woman calling another Chinese/Vietnamese/Korean/me a racist, whom she had never met in her life, because she/I like Americans, dated Americans or having American friends? How many Asians shared the same mentality? 

When they said they don't understand me, it is the same as an American said s/he doesn't understand them.  It is a cultural thing.

How pervasive is this in the Asian communities calling me a "racist" just because they said that "I like Americans", in America, no less?  This also been done to me in the Silicon Valley soon I arrived in the Silicon Valley.  I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats.  

To spread their hatreds, they use the Internet's social media such as email, etc, to exchange information such as here   

Remember, I had never met any of these people in my life.  I moved here from NYC, worked nearly 24/7, targeted the first month on the job by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, then by Hung Havan (my ex-officemate) and his cabal Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her (Indian) friends from AU2128.  Hung Havan and Michele Choi used their smartphones to set me up such to come across as if I was checking him out (as if he is Fabio or a Chippendale dancer) to incite sexual harassment, abuse, termination and rape toward me.

I was promptly terminated with outstanding accomplishments; now I got my throat slit and a failed rape attempt; because the Asians said "I like Americans" in Amercia.

This is a HATE crime against me for being perceived as "she likes Americans".  I had never disclosed to anyone whether I liked or disliked Americans, let alone people who I had never met in my life.  This is mainly to incite those who hated Americans to do harm to me and to hate me.  Is this the same hatreds toward Americans as the Boston Marathon Bombers?  People from these communities know why they are doing this to me (don't expect them to disclose this to you willfully.  You need to be tactful to get the answer *sigh*), and is it because of racism toward me as Chinese, and the Chinese discriminated against me because they perceived me as Americanized, a traitor in their view.  Another word, "she likes Americans".  They wanted to make me an example.  

I am specifically stating racial description mainly to let you know that we live in a multi-cultural society with people came from all over the world; that you can NOT assumed they think in the way as Americans do, or shared the same values.    

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