Thursday, August 29, 2013

Notice to Vacate

Mona Chu                                                                                                       August 29, 2013
Basement Room
1000 N Arlington Mill Drive
ArlingtonVA  22205

This is to notify you that we have chosen to terminate your tenancy of the room that you are renting at the above address.  This constitutes the 30-day notice required by law. You must vacate the premises on or before September 30, 2013, or on the earliest date provided by law.  The rent payment is due as usual on September 1, 2013.  Payment of rent does not act to cancel this notice.

We have extended the termination date until September 30, since the exact term in our written lease was ambiguous.  However, under any reading of the lease, the term would expire no later than September 30, 2013

Michael Rios,
Owner and Landlord

This eviction is timed right after an attempt rape and abduction that resulted in a stabbed in the neck and a slashed across my throat that almost killed me.  What kind of human being would do this?

"Any society, any nation, any person, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members -- the last, the least, 
the littlest." 
~Cardinal Roger Mahony, In a 1998 letter, Creating a Culture of Life

I had to overcome the negative stereotype of Asian

everywhere I go.  It takes a long time to overcome, and often not enough time, particularly difficult with the smear campaign done by immigrant/FOB such as Tuan Nyugen and his countrymen, and ghetto Asians such as Hung Havan and his cabal such as Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her (Indian) friends.

This is just for those who are not discriminatory.......

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"Because American men wanted her"

If you heard this is the reason why the immigrant/FOB and ghetto Asians came after me; well, this is just one of the major reasons.  For some, it is because of anti-interracial dating/marriage, others out of envy, jealousy, or women lacked of interests in these males because of their 3rd world antics of treating women as a 2nd class citizen.  Males from Asia see Chinese-American women as a trophy girlfriend/wife.

One other major reason was, I was more competent in the job than most male engineers where I was often the only woman engineer in the whole engineering dept.   For 3rd world culture, this would be the equivalent of slapping them in the face, that's why so many 3rd worlders hated me with such passion even though I had never met them in my life.

Another major reason is because they perceived me as Amerianized (similar as African-American being called an Oreo cookie) (see the movie "Gangs of New York") because most Americans of all colors and races liked me and I had lots of none-Asian friends; only until the Asians started slander me by saying "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" that people started to distance me.  This is so at the beginning of the Training Class in the Patent Trademark Office, by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen started slandering me, then my ex-officemate Hung Havan told me all his friends liked me, until he and his cabal Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her (India) friends slandered me.  All their slander was intended to incited sexual harassment, abuses, termination, physical harm and rape toward me; not only I was terminated, but also had my throat slit from a failed rape and abduction attempt that almost killed me.

Like the Europeans, the Asians also discriminated against each other as well - Indian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, especially the Japanese that had signs "dogs and Chinese/Vietnamese/Korean/etc are not allowed" in their restaurants all over Asia.  This was in the 1990s.  From what I had experienced so far, the Vietnamese, of all ages, and women of all ages really hated me, even those married a Caucasian male.  Whenever they see me here in the DC metro, they make sure to tell someone next to them "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc".  It was deliberated and they all knew why they were doing this to me, the same as Pvt. Danny Chan "Hazed" to death by his fellow soldiers in Afghantian.  This is racism no different then the KKKs, the Asian version of the KKK.

Pvt. Danny Chen, 19, commited suicide after being hazed and humiliated by other soldiers

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I met a woman engineer before my time

shared similar oppression treatment and a hostile/sexual harassment working environment by her male engineer co-workers and the company she worked for, except they were all Caucasians, and the time frame was from the1970s and before.

As you know, I had similar treatment by immigrant/FOB and ghetto Asians soon I arrived in SFO/Silicon Valley, and now in DC, also in NYC.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Nobody is going to admit they don't like me is b/c

 I am Asian/Chinese/woman/Americanized, but often it is exactly that.

Don't forget, I treated everyone with respect until they showed they don't deserve my respect.

My motto is:  I don't care what color, race, gender, religion, etc., there are only 2 types of people to me, good and bad.

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Maturity Climb

click on the image to enlarge

Happy and a fulfilling life, that's what we should all strive for humanity.  A Constitution for all intelligent life forms

The meaning of life:                           is what you make of it.
The purpose of our existence:      is to ensure the survival of our species.

Life is a journey, the less baggage you carry, the further you will travel.
Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.

Life is not a dressed rehearsal, you only live once, so live life to the fullest.

For men:

You should NEVER, EVER told anyone you are in love or show you are interested in a woman; otherwise, you are basically putting a target on that woman; particularly with Asians from Asia, they are no different then the Asian version of the KKK/Redneck.

If anyone told you a woman is checking you out, interested in you, or desperate for a man, that person thinks you are an imbecile.  If you acted on what you heard and started making obscene gestures, you will be sued for sexual harassment and have your career ruined, in addition to you will be seen as a pervert.  This is also a way for 3rd Worlders to denigrate women to keep women down.

And NO, women are not checking you out unless you are a Chippendale dancer or Michelangelo's masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture.  Don't flatter yourself, you are pathetic and basically admit you are an imbecile.  As for me, I am an Asexual, men are just a bunch of walking carbon base life form (I am being kind) that is controlled by their own urges and animal instincts; only substance and a thinker make you stand out.

Like in the children's story "The Emperor's New Clothes", just because lots of people said it, doesn't mean it is true.  Just open your eyes, mind and see the truth.

Typically, the more pathetic and desperate the guy is, I mean at the Gollum (from The Lord of the Ring) level, the more likely he will accuse good looking women of checking him out.  Often, since they knew the woman is not interested in them, they would ruin the woman and make her look like damaged good such no one would want her, they are the only option left for the woman if the woman wanted to get married; if not, they got their revenge already by ruining her.  This is a common practice by people from Asia as I learned working with them.  They build their happiness by ruining other people's life such as mine and those who believed everything they said, and now demoted, fired and/or had their reputations ruined..

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Why am I still here in Virginia? I have to clear my name

such as I can secure a job again.

This also happened to me in the Silicon Valley of the San Francisco Bay Area where I was targeted as soon I arrived there, by people from Asia; just as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen slandered me the first month we started the job in the Patent and Trademark Office in the Training Academy; where Shawn Joseph promulgated to all other Training Classes.  Training Class classmates then spread to the rest of the Patent and Trademark Office where they spread to their family, friends, neighbors and neighborhoods such as Arlington, VA, where I had my neck stabbed and a cutted throat, and now my landlord is evicting me.

My officemate Hung Havan and his cabal Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her Indian friends from Asia actively slandered me and misled management into terminating me.

I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats by co-workers from Asia, and then by an Asian gang later.  If I stayed in the Silicon Valley, people would eventually find out the truth and realized what was going on - a crowding out of Americans (Asians from Asia see me as Americanized - a traitor and a woman who dare to be better at the job than them).  I was working
in companies where I was often the only female in the whole hardware dept., and the dept were 95+% of current and past H1Bs from Asia .

And because people from Asia slandered me in the Tech industry such that I couldn't secure a job, fired soon if I did just as in the Patent and Trademark Office, as well ensured continuous sexual harassment, abuses, termination, physical harm and rape threats that resulted in the vicious assault on me that almost killed me.

"She needed a man; she is desperate for a man, etc" started soon after Asians from Asia learned I was dating a none-Asian in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Meanwhile, the Tech industry talking heads keep insisting we don't have qualified American engineers, and required more H1Bs, the same H1Bs who slandered and almost got me killed because I am a woman who could do a better job than them.

I worked nearly 24/7  with accomplishments and computer log time to support my claims, I have also never been to SFO or DC before I relocated.

Hmm, I don't understand why Eldon Sarte so against

me starting this Blog......  he is our housemate.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Landlord Michael Rios threatens to deduct

from my 2 months deposit of $1300 if I don't allow him to show my room to a potential renter as he is evicting me.  He was just here at 6pm with Sarah.

He is going to charge a $50 fee for a notification which is not stated on the lease, or $250 for whatever he feels like charging on my 2 months deposit, etc.  None of this is stated on the lease.

Typical deposit is one month rent, he wanted 2 months from me.

This is ironic since this is supposed to be a New Culture/Chrysalis.  But what is being done to me by the Landlord is worse then the US government toward their citizens and worse then most LandLords in America as I am recovering from a traumatic assult that almost killed me, and he specifically pick this time to evict me just to traumatized me further; because I am an easy target for him, an Asian woman alone in DC.  There is no social justice for Asian women a la the Patent and Trademark Office fired me because I am Asian and a woman, or even our judicial system such as the EEOC is discriminated against Asian women such as me.

"New Culture" ( is about creating sustainable, rich, intimate personal relationships, along with a sustainable world to enjoy them in, based on transparency, delight, freedom, and community.  Though not specifically poly-focused, New Culture is 100% poly-friendly and many poly folks attend. In order to create a New Culture in our lives and in the larger society, we put on events that help us develop the skills we need to make that real, including communication, self-knowledge, presence, conflict resolution, and effective activism. WHAT IS NEW CULTURE?
"New Culture" ( is about creating sustainable, rich, intimate personal relationships, along with a sustainable world to enjoy them in, based on transparency, delight, freedom, and community.  Though not specifically poly-focused, New Culture is 100% poly-friendly and many poly folks attend. In order to create a New Culture in our lives and in the larger society, we put on events that help us develop the skills we need to make that real, including communication, self-knowledge, presence, conflict resolution, and effective activism. 

Currently there are eight adult residents and two shorter-term guests who are involved with culturechange, conflict resolution, social enterprise, environmental issues, and social justice.  Non-residents are also an important part of ChrysalisChrysalis is inspired by the Network for a NewCulture (, and sees community as defined by heart connections rather than by geographic proximity. While some intentional communities tend to be insular, we are more like the ancestral homestead of a large and scattered extended family.