Friday, August 16, 2013

The Maturity Climb

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Happy and a fulfilling life, that's what we should all strive for humanity.  A Constitution for all intelligent life forms

The meaning of life:                           is what you make of it.
The purpose of our existence:      is to ensure the survival of our species.

Life is a journey, the less baggage you carry, the further you will travel.
Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.

Life is not a dressed rehearsal, you only live once, so live life to the fullest.

For men:

You should NEVER, EVER told anyone you are in love or show you are interested in a woman; otherwise, you are basically putting a target on that woman; particularly with Asians from Asia, they are no different then the Asian version of the KKK/Redneck.

If anyone told you a woman is checking you out, interested in you, or desperate for a man, that person thinks you are an imbecile.  If you acted on what you heard and started making obscene gestures, you will be sued for sexual harassment and have your career ruined, in addition to you will be seen as a pervert.  This is also a way for 3rd Worlders to denigrate women to keep women down.

And NO, women are not checking you out unless you are a Chippendale dancer or Michelangelo's masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture.  Don't flatter yourself, you are pathetic and basically admit you are an imbecile.  As for me, I am an Asexual, men are just a bunch of walking carbon base life form (I am being kind) that is controlled by their own urges and animal instincts; only substance and a thinker make you stand out.

Like in the children's story "The Emperor's New Clothes", just because lots of people said it, doesn't mean it is true.  Just open your eyes, mind and see the truth.

Typically, the more pathetic and desperate the guy is, I mean at the Gollum (from The Lord of the Ring) level, the more likely he will accuse good looking women of checking him out.  Often, since they knew the woman is not interested in them, they would ruin the woman and make her look like damaged good such no one would want her, they are the only option left for the woman if the woman wanted to get married; if not, they got their revenge already by ruining her.  This is a common practice by people from Asia as I learned working with them.  They build their happiness by ruining other people's life such as mine and those who believed everything they said, and now demoted, fired and/or had their reputations ruined..

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