Tuesday, September 3, 2013

While I tried to figure out how to pay the doctors/hospital

doctors and hospital bills from the slit throat of a failed attempt rape and abduction that almost killed me, one of the bills already sent to the collection agency even though I had called every doctor and the hospital as soon I received the first bill, to let them know I am applying for Medicare/Medicaid/financial aid.

The cost is about $25,000-$50,000.

And then the lawyer fees (an arm and a leg, in addition to the first born) for my wrongful termination case with the Patent and Trademark Office.......

In addition to the eviction that the landlord used a pretext of "blocking doorways", but really b/c I refused to be his 3rd girlfirend.....

I might have to filed for bankruptcy in the future........

The attempted  rape and abduction that almost killed me, and the wrongful termination are the doing of my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his cabal Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her Indian friends; in addition to co-workers/classmates Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen that started slandering me the first month on the job.

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