Monday, September 23, 2013

What I have to deal with right now

The PTSD from wrongful termination from the Patent and Trademark Office. This is the result from the defamation done by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen the first month we were on the job;  and my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his cabal Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her friends-from-india, meant to ensure I can't secure a job anywhere, fired soon if I did, while incite sexual harassment, abuses, termination, physical harm and rape toward me.  In a failed attempt of rape and abduction, The attacker had slit my throat that almost killed me.

The EEOC case that was such flagrant miscarriage of justice that said I resigned instead of terminated, with evidenced from the AJ Nancy Graham herself said I was terminated.

The PTSD from the slit throat that almost killed me.

The hospital bills in the range of $25,000-$50,000 where some had already sent to the collection agency. This is going to bankrupt me.

The eviction which I must leave by Oct. 1, while sent out large amount of email to rentals with few replies. Just another racism and bigotry at play.

The immigrant and ghetto Asians defamed me soon I arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area/Silicon Valley in the 1990s and prevent me from secured a job in the Silicon Valley as well the Tech Industry; even at the height of 2001 before 911, where any mouth breather could walk into a tech company and got hired.  And here in the DC metro, the likes of Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, as well Hung Havan and his cabal had full control of the Patent and Trademark Office as well the DC metro where the US capital is located as evidenced by the repeating of "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" everywhere I went, also no response to my job applications with accomplishments few had.  In addition to a slit of my throat tried to kill me, and now the eviction, scary isn't it?

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