Sunday, September 1, 2013

"we don't trust her b/c she is smart" LOL

an excuse given by the slanderers, and used by management to justify their action of terminating me, while management initiated my termination believing I was a low performer, and many of these management shouldn't even know I am alive as I kept a low key and not be seen, as well worked 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log time and accomplishment.  The people that were actively slandered me were my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his cabal Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her (India) friends; in addition to Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen the first month we were on the job, where classmate Shawn Joseph spread to other Training Academy classes, Training classes spread to the rest of the Patent and Trademark Office, and they spread to their family, friends, neighbors and neighborhood such as here in Arlington, VA.

So, management terminated me because they were manipulated by the slanderers, and now takes their word at face value again and trust these proven slanderers, while all I did was to work nearly 24/7 because of the termination threat, with accomplishments few could match and an air-tight first case that maybe the first woman to achieve such result in the Patent and Trademark Office; yet management continue to believe those who set me up and got me terminated using defamation.

These malicious slanderers proven over and over again they are smarter than all levels of management and had complete control of management, also proven to use their smart in a malicious way, while I worked nearly 24/7 and didn't harm a fly, yet people continue to believe these proven malicious slanderers, and helped them to ruin my life.

You see why I am so screwed?

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