Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You are helping these 3rd world males to suppress women

Because women such as me unknowingly out geek these 3rd world (culture) males when I worked with them, particularly those from Asia and in Tech; and so they came after me relentlessly even though I had never met or barely know them.

As such, in my last job, I deliberately kept a low key and not be seen, basically to ensure I was not the top performer such to ensure I wouldn't be targeted.   Yet somehow I was targeted the first month nevertheless by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen.  The air-tight first case was an unintentional result.  I would not want an air-tight first case for fear of targeted by 3rd worlders.

I had to show them what I got after the threat of termination in my 6th month review.  Which my officemate Hung Havan and his cabal Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her Indian friends found out I was doing 3 cases per biweek on my 6th month evaluation via PALM, and demonlized me resulted in sexual harassment, abuses, termination, physical harm (stabbed in the neck and cut across the throat) and an attempted rape and abduction.

A classmate from that part of the world give a glimpse into their world "a woman smarter than them is the equivalent of slapping them on the face".  One must understand what it means to be slapped on the face.  Arab Spring started by a police woman slapping a male street vender on the face.

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl who was shot in the head by the Taliban last year for demanding education for girls.


Then there's the medical woman student gang raped and with a metal pipe in India, had her internal organs damaged beyond repair, throw out of the bus naked......

etc, etc,

And then there's me targeted by males from the 3rd world that resulted in my termination, a failed attempted of rape and abduction that resulted in stabbed in the neck and cut across the throat that almost killed me, so America is not much different from these 3rd world.

And you all are helping these 3rd Worlders here in America to continue to practice their 3rd world hatreds toward women and suppress women.

3rd Worlders used propaganda to ruin their targets such as me.  I want everybody to make this aware to all Americans so that these 3rd worlders CAN NOT do harm to other Americans (of all colors and races) again.

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