Friday, July 12, 2013

Feels like being raped in the trauma emergency room

After the attempted rape and abduction where I had my neck stabbed, I was sent to the trauma emergency room where I was stripped naked with a room full of people of about 10-20 people.  Then the doctor turned me to one side, took one of my ankle and left up to his height and did the same to the other leg, and said "no penetration", as if I was some livestock.

After such horrific life experience of an attempted rape and abduction that resulted in a stabbed on the neck and cut across my throat that almost killed me, I had to endure more from the doctor in the trauma emergency room that feels like being gang raped.

Why would this allowed?  The patient is already traumatized, and then traumatized more by the doctor?

I write this soon I got home from the hospital, but I felt so ashamed that this happened to me and couldn't post this, until now.

(4/12/2015  -  if I see any of my naked pictures in that trauma emergency room, I am going to sue the hospital)

And then this Ultra Sound woman  just jammed her tool on me as if I am her enemy.  She's an Asian middle age woman.  I had to tell her she's hurting me.  Geez!

The nurses and the Specialists there were so great that kept me from going into a traumatize mode, and did such a good job on me, I was so impressed; particularly Lindsay and Melissa.  I am very happy to have met them.  Without them, I would've experiencing PTSD soon after I woke up.  I am trying very hard not to go there, but can not help from locking the front and basement doors.

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