Thursday, July 18, 2013

I am targeted the same way in the Patent and Trademark Office

the first month on the job by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women as I was targeted soon I arrived in the Silicon Valley/San Francisico Bay Area in the 1990s, by people from Asia; which was about 90+% of the engineering department in all the tech companies I've worked in the Silicon Valley.

The Patent and Trademark Office had a small percentage of people from Asia, in addition to the ghetto Asians such as Hung Havan and Michele Choi, yet they were able to manipulate management to terminate me in <9 months with accomplishments few had in the Patent Class 703.

I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats by co-workers and an Asian gang as I've been posting and also mentioned in my EEOC case.  I was stabbed in the neck and cut across the throat recently in Arlington, VA, and is the doing of my Asian coworkers from the USPTO.  I knew it was coming when these co-workers incited resentment, hatreds, termination, physical harm, as well sexual harassment and rape by saying "she needed a man; etc.".  I needed a man as much as I needed a disease, least a loser.  Men were the reason that my life is ruined, and now a stabbed in my neck and a cut across my throat that almost killed me.  Also, I am asexual for chrissake and so is my partner in life.  

To re-enforce such notion "she needed a man" further, Hung Havan and Michele Choi using their Smartphone to set me up such I would across as if I was checking Hung Hung out, who looks like Gollum from the "The Lord of the Ring".

After I was terminated when I worked nearly 24/7 with accomplishments few had in the Patent Class 703, I knew the physical harm and rape would be next, that's why I don't go out, and carried a pepper spray at all time.

Please people, we live in a different world now, 911 was a wake up call.  What does it take to get people aware that the world had changed to a globalized world, that people living amount us may not have the best of intention, and are still practicing their 3rd world culture here in the US.

DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING ANYBODY SAID!!!  PLEASE!!  Use some common sense and ask why.  People who don't like others they had never met or barely know are the one with issues, often is racism, bigotry, hate, jealousy, envy, greedy, etc

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