Sunday, July 21, 2013

"She's a looker"

or "she is fresh" as in refreshing, new, different, etc

My co-workers from Asia in the Silicon Valley interpreted as "she likes to look" which means - she likes to check men out.  Please don't use slang in front or with them.

Please discerned on what kinds of people you are dealing with first, otherwise you could easily ruin a person's life such as mine or yourself such as the Patent the Trademark Office management that were fired or demoted because they fired me by believing the demonization of me by my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his cabal Nathan Hillery-a union rep, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her (Indian) friends, in addition to my classmate Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen.

All these people still have a job or promoted, helped their friends and relatives hired into the Patent and Trademark Office, while they laugh at all of us who are either fired or demoted.  They've ruined my reputation such I can't get a job anywhere while continuously being sexual harass, abuse, as well under the threats of physical harm and rape everywhere I go that resulted in a stabbed in my neck as well a cut across my throat that almost killed me.  This is all due to racism and bigotry toward me as a Chinese and a woman who out performed them, also a way to eliminate competition.

I wondered if the Patent and Trademark Office's management who terminated me learned the truth that I was demonized by misled people into thinking I am Michele Choi and Susanne Lo, by my ex-officemate Hung Havan and Nathan Hillery, to get me fired?  I worked nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log time and my accomplishment.

Nathan Hillery, Hung Havan and Michele Choi had elbowed me on the chest

But looking at my EEOC case and the racism toward me where my case was constantly being undermined by the EEOC, even though the EEOC counselors are either African-American or women, I doubted there will be any justice for me.  The EEOC AJ ruled I resigned when I have overwhelming evidence to support I was terminated, such gross fragrant miscarriage of justice.  Trayvon Martin's case only highlights racism toward African-American, but what about racism toward Asians, Asians toward each other, and Asian males toward women?      

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