Friday, July 11, 2014

Why protégés did everything in their power

to get the romantic interest of their mentor fired, ruined or even killed?

Protégés see their mentor as their surrogate father, especially those from a home lack of fatherly love.  Others see it as a power source where they had control of the mentor, a romantic interest would displace the protégé.  

Every protégé(s) of  males who proclaimed such romantic interest (in a working environment, no less.  What were they thinking?) had worked overtime to get me fired, ruined and even killed, coincide with the intend of people from Asia.

I tried to stay as far away from these males as possible in hope of they get the message (what I really want to say was – shut the fcuk-up. This is the only time I ever want to use profanity). None of them did *sigh*, and had contributed to the ruin of my life, and death due to cancer as I don't have insurance the resulted of unemployment.

You see why I had absolutely no interest in these males? They had absolutely no interest in my well-being, or care.  Furthermore, they denigrated me further by saying things "I no longer interested in her, she is too old for me"

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