Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"chink" yelled from a car as I biked

up the hill on 23rd street up toward Arlington Ridge.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, you and the Asian version of the KKK/Nazi/Islamic Extremists should get together, compare who is more racist, and who hate each other more, then go at it.

I often afraid these racists would hit me with their car.

The Asian version of the KKK/Nazi/Islamic Extremists already slit my throat.

This don't usually bother me, don't know why now.

There are lots of racists in Arlington and Alexandria, VA.  And many of them work in the Patent and Trademark Office where I was wrongfully terminated, set-up by the Asian version of the KKK/Nazi/Islamist Extremists which gave these racists the excuse to terminate me, and slit my throat.

I had worse said to me since elementary school than "chink".  The Hispanic/Latino teachers even  tried to take our free school meals and given to the already fat Hispanic/Latino students in their bilingual classes.  They managed to take away our free breakfast, that's why Asian students were so skinny.  One of the Hispanic/Latino girls got pregnant in my elementary school.  Nearly all their families received welfare, not one Asian family received welfare back then.  This kind of treatment forced us to do better in school so we won't be discriminated against in the future.  The worse the discrimination, the harder we worked.  Others couldn't hack it,  gave up and became a social problem such as joined the gang and/or drug addicts.   The Hispanic/Latinos knew they always had welfare to fall back on.  As a note, I had at least 2 college buddies were Hispanic/Latino.

In Junior High, the whole school were predominately Hispanic/Latino where not only we were not able to learn anything because the students were so disruptive, but we were constantly bullied.   Some Hispanic/Latino girls even brought in pin needles to stick that to us.  We had no idea whether that had HIV virus in it or not.  I reported it to the Principal.  He didn't do anything, his vice Principal asked him why didn't he do anything about it; the Principal said "if I had a nickle for every complaint"

But the worst were Asians toward me, even back then.  2 new girls from Asia who I had help from bullying, turn around and bullied me.  An Asian elementary school teacher deliberately not teach me to read and write, and told my parents I was not very bright as well undermined me in every way she could.  I had to teach myself to read and write English.

Asian don't usually given any form of welfare, but welfares are readily available for the Hispanic/Latino population which I don't understand why.  Also people like my father refused to apply for welfare as that might affect the perception of the Asian population, and hinder future Asian immigration that seek out better life in US.

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