Thursday, July 10, 2014

I have so many innovative ideas in tech

That I always feel sick to hear iPhone and the likes were praised as revolutionary.  They are gadgets!

Also in computing, where people are still stuck in semiconductors.

Just have so much I want to do in tech, and I can't as the people from Asia had full control of the tech industry and now the DC metro/USPTO/Arlinton VA.

Just makes me sick that I can't bring those innovative ideas to fruition, but watching these so call innovation by these half wits at best in Tech.  The only way these nitwits able to get to where they are were by eliminating people like me.  A woman is a low hanging fruit.

That's what makes me go crazy.  It took me a decade to get over this, sort of; I still have relapses whenever I see these gadgets or half baked ideas tout as innovative/revolutionary.  That's why I don't read tech pubs anymore, also don't allow my brain to think tech as I would hyperventilate.

I couldn't get funding, who would fund a Startup by a woman that need at least $10 milliions that required new technology in hardware and software, in early 2000?  I couldn't believe they still didn't get the Optical switch right whcih I tried so hard to get a job in, when I had published paper in the field, where most worked in the field back in late 1990s to early 2000s never even touch a laser.  The Optical/Laser field was dominated by people from China, and Emulation field was dominated by people from India.

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