Friday, November 7, 2014

"Don't know what to make of her" in a WASP society

for a Chinese-American and a woman grew up in NYC, Greenwich Village specifically, nearly all Americans had never seen anyone like me, not even on TV or movies.

Often Americans expected Asian to be shy, timid and speak Pidgin English.  You know, the old China man image or Suzie Wong at best.

Well, today, the 2nd, 3rd, etc generation Chinese-Americans are far different than the old days.  In the old days, my uncles and great uncles weren't hire for any office jobs, not even if they went to an Ivy league college.  My extended families been in the US since the 1800s, and had uncles and great uncles served in WWII and the Vietname War, amount other services.

And then you have people from Asia that is akin to the Islamic Extremist toward women.

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