Monday, October 6, 2014


I am facing with the quandary of whether to treat my cancer or waiting my cancer to kill me or beheaded by the Tech industry (mainly, people from Asia), which ever come first.  If I treated my cancer, I would be forced to apply for welfare, which I abhor so much.

If I live, it is in a vein attempt of continuing my fight for women in the Science and Tech field, mainly not to behead women when excel in the job over the males.

My fibroid caused by all the chemicals used in semiconductor manufacturing may be the reason why I am an asexual. Anytime when my tumor turn into a malicious cancer, I should die as I don't have health insurance due to unemployment, thanks to the Republican Party/Tea Party. It is logical that I should die as the science and technology field do not allow women to excel over males in the field, since I can't afford healthcare to treat my illnesses despite I excelled in my jobs over males in Tech. Our society obviously doesn't want women who excelled in the Science and Technology field to live. So the Tech industry or the Patent and Trademark Office, particularly those from 3rd world Asia, don't need to kill me to shut me up, stoned me to death, burned or drown me as a witch. I will NOT accept charity or welfare as I am perfectly capable of working and had worked 3 jobs every summer since High School to put myself through school. There is no reason for me NOT to be a contributing member of society other than discrimination toward me as a woman who excel in the Science and Technology field, it should be fitting that such a woman should die, and I am just too tired fighting discriminations since elementary school. This way, women will always be remain as second class citizen, a man's world and a 2 caste society.

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