Monday, September 29, 2014

Another example of how defamation followed me where ever I go

It seems Stephen is the major contributor of slandering me with kids and adults that associated with the bike shop.  I told him numerous time, from day one of the slits of my throat/beheading incident, and was in the bike shop to help get over my PTSD.

I also gave him my blog ( that explain where and how that led to the slit of my throat, a failed attempt beheading that was meant to kill me.  But instead, he used the information to further the defamation, while even though I gave my blog to many others associated with the bike shop, they had no interest in reading what led to the slit of my throat and/or lack of curiosity, and so believed all the slandering of me by Stephen and other kids, that resulted in shunning me as well help spread the defamation.

Another example of how defamation followed me wherever I go that instigated by people-from-Asia the first month on the job in the Patent and Trademark Office, who I never met in my life such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women.  To incite sexual harassment, abuses, rape and beheading, "she checks man out; she needs a man; etc" are now being spread in the bike shop as well.  For those acted on it, they have shown they are a pervert/sick bastard.

This Bike shop is a non-profit charity that is meant to do good, that's why I chose this place.  I wanted to do good for the community while healing, assuming working with people with good intention as is a charity, that has less of a chance of working with evil people in a charity.  It has proven not the case, so I will be moving on.  I hoped the defamation of me won't be spread as far as by the Patent and Trademark Office where there were a large Asian community.

I started the blog meant to make people aware the defamation started by people I had never met in my life, mainly those from Asia, and had malicious intent because I am an Americanized (=traitor) woman who could do the job these pathetic males could not, where racists would use the defamation as a pretext to terminate me such as in the Patent and Trademark office and the Tech industry; while those in the Silicon Valley expected me to whore myself to them and didn't, use as a pretext to fired me as well.  As you all know, if a woman refused a pathetic male loser's sexual advances, that woman will be defamed as a slut/whore, and fired if that pathetic male loser is in the position of power.

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