Friday, September 26, 2014

I always feel so sad and discourage whenever

clueless management question whether I could run a tech project or dismissed me when they don't understand what I did.  It just makes me sick to my stomach.

Is been like this since my first day as an engineer.  I kept moving from company to company to find people interested in getting projects done on time and within budget.  Unfortunately, the whole tech industry only interested if you are a male.  A woman gets her life ruined and beheaded as did to me in a fail attempt beheading that was meant to kill me.

This program manager question my ability to run a Salesforce project as a manager to install their software in the client's site.  I had done this as part of my emulation project on Unix using parallel processing in the 1990s, no less.  When I said part, it is in the same sense as installing IE or Chrome to do what you need to do using the internet, while IE or Chrome still in Beta.  Salesforce project is an App when compares to the complexity of my emulation projects, the equivalent of the PC that involved the hardware and software, including the Operating System.  

Or, the equivalent of managing a Little League Football team when I already built a Football team from scratch, acted as the coach and the Quarterback and won the Superbowl on the first season, someone who had never heard of Football or knows anything about Football questioned me whether I can run the Little League.  You see why I got sick to my stomach?  This happened in the Tech industry all the time as emulation was such a bleeding-edge technology, that only a few people had heard of emulation at the time.

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