Thursday, September 18, 2014

A kid's friend whom he gave a bike's to came by

A Hispanic/Latino male with a heavy accent in his 20s.  I was the one trying to sell the $20 bikes to him and his friend.  It seems the kid may had given him the bike from the green tag on the bike.

Did he ask whether he should teach me a lesson because I called a kid a racist??  I quickly prepare for attack.

This reminded me of the Silicon Valley where people from Asia defamed me as soon as I arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area, while sexually harassed, abused and set me up for termination.  I did not have a blog back then, nor did I know anyone in the Silicon Valley, just as here in the DC metro.

In my last job in the SF Bay Area, I had finally written a letter to the CEO (Caucasian) as to what happen, after I was terminated.  I didn't file an EEOC case like I did with the Patent and Trademark Office, that resulted in the slit of my throat that was meant to kill me to make the EEOC case go away

The company fired all the people from Asia I named, including the Director of Verification.  An ex-coworker from that company who couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, was hired by the Director of Verification, came to try to do physical harms to me.  I out ran him as I was on a  rollerblake, he was disable in the leg, an injury from stepping on a mine in Vietname when he was young; then later an Asian gang was waiting for me in a parking lot.  I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley and moved back to NYC, where I continue to be targeted by people from Asia, and now the DC metro that begun the 1st month on the job in the Patent and Trademark Office by people from Asia.

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