Tuesday, September 16, 2014

In danger of being raped and killed

As the defamation of "she checks men out" getting spread wide, in addition to the defamation of "no one liked her; no one wanted her", the likes of the Hispanic/Latino male from South America who slit my throat/attempted beheading and criminals believed the defamation, some will act on what they heard.  It only takes one to slit my throat.

When people say such vicious defamation, it shown that people had a malicious intention toward me.

Any one who defamed me with above defamation are inciting rape, physical harm and have me killed, just as my coworkers from the Patent and Trademark Office did that resulted in the attempted beheading.  This is what you are doing to me, worse is the fact that I am an asexual.  That's why I will post your name in my blog.  If I die, you will rot and raped by inmates in jail the rest of your life, which is what you deserved.

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