Wednesday, February 10, 2016

American justice = North Korean/Iran

Another EEOC?  Looks and feels that way, especially now an old white male from the 1950s.  Our judicial system is no different then North Korea or Iran, it is rigged again Americans, whether you are Black, or women.
I was not nasty or aggressive from the get-go.  I went by the book and played fair; in addition to the defamation/trolling all over the DC metro that instigated by people from Asia, and most people are very much willing to use such to do harm to me whether due to unconscious or conscious racism and/or sexism, also the typical megalomaniac exhibited by the EEOC Administrative judges, and so I will lose the case again, just like the EEOC.
So, if the North Korea are to bomb the Silicon Valley/Tech Industry (aka the evil empire/oppressor of women and 2 failed beheadings on me), in particular - people from Asia, or any of the racist and sexist that rigged the whole system to against me, from putting me in a 'do not hired back list', stopped my unemployment insurance and social services from helping me with the PTSD to Disability Insurance which I paid into, I won't feel bad. 
If there is such thing as Karma - do onto others as you would have onto you, for generations to come.
I will die before going homeless, and will make sure Karma is served to the people that had done this to me.

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