Thursday, December 10, 2015

This is when "no one wanted her" started in the Silicon Valley

Below pic resembled me when I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, and like to wear booty back then in the late 1990s. 

Or "no one liked her; she needed a man; etc" as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley, by mostly H1Bs from Asia that only been in the US for <5 years, who I had never met in my life, mostly males.  This was especially so in companies where I was often the only woman hardware engineer, and there were only 2 none-Asian males in an engineering dept of ~500. I was a project/tech lead for emulation projects.  They all understood why without saying, and the Americans were like Paris Hilton thinking they are rich, therefore they are smarter then the people from Asia, but were completely clueless and used like a cheap tool to do their dirty deeds for them.  Only now that after nearly every single American companies and government institutions worth hacking, are hacked, that the Americans are "closing the stable door after the horse has bolted". 

They had incited every single low life/bottom feeder to sexually harass, abuse, as well physical harm and rape threats against me; while the racists and sexists used the opportunity to oust me from the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, and now the Patent and Trademark Office, as I am a woman excelled in tech jobs over the males.  These people are no different then the Islamic Extremists/ISIS.

The first thing people from Asia asked me was where I was from as they knew I wasn't one of them because my persona is so different from them, my fluency in English and don't speak their language, as well I was very comfortable in my environment, unlike them where most acted like they were walking on glass; so I said from NYC.  Then they asked what am I (meaning what race am I), etc, etc, etc.; which Americans (of all ethnicities) don't do as we all know this is taboo; I said I am a Chinese-American; which they then told people from Asia that "she thinks she is an American", and targeted me since.  This is just one incident that people from Asia started making me into public enemy #1.

Despite I've been warning of stealing of trade secret by these people from Asia since 2004, which they told the Americans that it is I discriminated against them for saying anything against them, or that I am a disgruntled worker; and continue to slander me.  Recently, the Jedi mind control trick was office politic/power struggle that got me terminated.  They knew exactly how to manipulate Americans.  While they slandered me as soon as they saw me, who I had never met in my life, yet Americans continue to believe everything they said, even after nearly every company and government institution been hacked, and 2 failed attempt beheadings on me.  You just can't make this stuff up!!

Since then, imbeciles (non-Asian as most people from Asia knew what was going on and partook in the spreading of the defamation against me) believing anything anybody said thinking "since no one wanted her, I have a chance with her.  Who else she is going to marry?"  And so the relentless sexual harassments and abuses, physical harm and rape threats.  Hence why I am afraid to leave the house, and why low life such those of the Fairfax County court security guards barked at me every morning at check point when I go there volunteering.  I am sorry women had to live with low lives such as these, as our society still believes that if you are not married, there is something wrong with you; or that no one wants you.

Now the Patent and Trademark Office ex - coworkers that set me up and got me terminated also defamed me as "she became a prostitute after the termination", where many working in the intelligence agencies partake in spreading such defamation in Arlington, VA.

As a note, as soon as the males in Asia acquired some wealth, they started either having an affair with young good looking women, or out right divorced and married a young good looking woman.  As such, most middle/old women from Asia hated young good-looking women.  As the resulted, I got unwanted attention from these avarice yokels from Asia, and hatreds from women from Asia.


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