Saturday, December 19, 2015

Nefarious 2

This housemate "Flower", whom I met in the employment center, and wanted to help her as I have a mission to help other women as society been repressing women since the beginning of time, and women don't seem to realize it, especially getting them to use technology, as women conditioned to believe they are lesser of the male, and not wired to use technology.

She moved into the house after another housemate moved out.  I had given her ~$500 of branded name apparels such as leather jacket, and electronics, and tried to get her to use smartphone. 

There were many signs that she lied about her education, job experiences. and recently she mentioned she is enrolled in an MBA program in a well known university, taking 4 MBA classes.  I asked her what was her GRE score, she snapped at me.  I don't think she even know what GRE is.  She should've corrected me and say GMAT. 

She is extremely paranoid, for some reason.  She didn't want to use a computer for fear of being track by government.  She said she was working in the IT industry and didn't know how to turn-on a smartphone, nor she had ever use a touch screen or seen one.  She didn't have the fineness on a touch screen, she keep jamming the screen as if is a brick.  I had to take the phone back for fear of breaking the digitizer, which will cost me ~$200 to replace. 

2 months ago, another housemate, let's called her housemate #2, knocked on my door and told me that her mouth washer been used up, and it wasn't her.  I showed her my 2 bottles of mouth wash, one empty bottle.  She said she didn't think it was me since we been living here for many years, but she wanted me to know this is going on. 

Housemate "Flower" had accuse Housemate #2 of stealing from her, which I don't believed as #2 and I had lived here for a long time.  Nothing like this had happened.  I think she make this stuff up, also in the future, when she takes things without asking, people assumed #2 did it.   This Housemate "Flower" did that just to harm and to damage #2, because "Flower" doesn't like #2.  #2 is young, hot and is getting a degree in IT.  "Flower" wants to be a CEO and making big bucks by doing nothing. 

Anyone who's been around, should know this type of sociopath/psychopath, or malicious trolls.  "Flower" is no where as ruthless as the people from Asia, who are well-organized and well-planned just like Charles Manson.

I had always shared my stuffs with people around me.  I had given housemates token Xmas gifts, and brought foods from NYC almost every time, but not recently.  I always invited others to share my food, but not recently. 

"Flower" told me that she's been missing stuffs such as paper towels, bathroom tissues, toothpaste, etc.  I said that couldn't be me as I had given you ~$500 worth of stuffs; and when she moved in, I had put all the bathroom tissues the last housemate left in the bathroom so everyone could use it, as this didn't belong to me. 

The people from Asia, who I had never met in my life, been doing this to me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley, NYC, the Patent and Trademark Office and now the DC metro, out of nefarious intentions because they perceived me as Westernized/Americanized, including those who I had helped or friendly.  They also had accused me of being a spy/mole, which I laughed at that at the time (1990s) because we are just a bunch of common forks.  But as someone who had worked 3 jobs every summer since High School in NYC, I had experienced all the dirty tactics practiced in a working environment.  I knew that a malefactor tend to find a scapegoat for wrongdoing, sometime before the act just as the people from Asia did to me in the Silicon Valley.  So when a security guard accused me of wrongdoing, the supermarket manager didn't take his word at face value at all, but put both of us in close observation instead.  It was later clarified that I walked into the security guard forcing sex on another cashier in the stock room, and the cashier reported him, and so the security guard had something against me.  Also, their skills of manipulation and the relentlessly targeted me make me suspicious, and asked who are these people from Asia, where all were dirt poor 3rd world, how is that they were allowed or afford to come to the US.  They had to be well connected to the government, and accused me of being a spy/mole such that if the company finds out something missing, they would assumed it must be me stolen it.  And so, I had warn of stealing of trade secrets since 2004 by people from Asia, and now manifested in recent hackings, including the government - OPM. 

The people from Asia, who I had helped or at least were friends, had also partook in slandering me behind my back, but were extremely friendly in front me as if they were my best friend; also true for my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his coteries that misled people into thinking they were my friends, instead of just acquiescence and coworkers sharing the same space.  They were instrumental in getting me terminated from the Patent and Trademark Office  They passed on the information about me to other people from Asia to use against me.

They had threatened me with physical harm when I was in the Silicon Valley, and now 2 failed attempt beheadings on me here in Arlington, VA.   

Bottom feeders: racist, sexist, bigot, haters, malicious individual, avarice, covetous, etc)

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