Friday, January 3, 2014

"she is a whore"

I was in a Chinese Supermarket in NYC Chinatown today.  A well-dressed Chinese middle/old age male speaking in Cantonese to the seafood workers "she is a whore" while pointing to me.  I had never met this male in my life.

The truth is, I was an adjunct in college pursuing a PhD in Electrical Engineering while at the same pursuing a second Master's in Computer Science and as an Applied Physics researcher.

All the malicious slanders been just the antithesis of the truth.  It is a deliberate act to ruin me; just because they perceived me as Americanized (pro-America/West, not shared their hatreds toward Americans, none-Asian friends, etc)

They finally revealed what they wanted to happen to me, along with the slit of my throat.  I suspected that when I was working in  the Silicon Valley where I was often the only woman in the whole engineering department consisted of 95+% of Asians grew-up-in-Asia of Fresh-off-the-Boat and H1Bs.  Most could barely speak English, and I was one of the few they had to communicate in English.  

This kind of defamation happened to me whenever there are Fresh Off the Boat immigrants from Asia.  This is so as soon I arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area/Silicon Valley in the 1990s where I had to abscond from due to physical harms threats by Asian coworkers, the Patent and Trademark Office where I was wrongfully terminated and my throat was slit, the DC metro,  and anywhere I go in NYC where there are Fresh Off the Boat immigrants from Asia.

When I confronted them on the defamation in the pass, even though is heard by the whole office such as that in Brecis Communications (bankrupted), they acted ignorant and completely dismissed they ever said anything.  And since no one did anything, it was understand as condone and more people partake in defamation, sexual harassement, abuse to the point either I resigned or being terminated.

You would think that those Fresh Off the Boat and ghetto Asians meant to ruined me such that I would either become a prostitute or killed myself, even though I had never met any of these people in my life.  It meant to be a psychological torture to the point where I lost all hopes and killed myself, which is worse than a bullet to the head such as the Taliban did to Malala Yousafzai for advocating education for girls/women; or incited others to harm me such as sexually harassed, abused, termination, physical harms, raped and murdered.  Also make me an example to warn all women and Asians who is pro-West/Westernized/Americanized.

And of course, speaking out is a big NO NO, which make me even a bigger target.

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