Sunday, January 5, 2014

For those who said they don't understand me

This started in the Silicon Valley by Fresh off the Boat immigrants/H1Bs from Asia, I/we can say the same about not understanding them.

How many Americans understand them, even today?  Most still couldn't find China, Taiwan, Vietnam, India, etc on the map.  

If you just arrived in Asia (China, Vietnam, India, Taiwan, etc) for the first time, would you understand any of them?

Fresh off the Boat immigrants from Asia lived as sheltered of a life as our hillbilly Redneck Trailer Trashes (think Duck Dynasty), or Islamic Extremely such as the one shoot Malala Yousafzai on the head for advocating education for girls/women, and equally ignorant and racist as they.  Racism is not a taboo in Asia, and is widely and openly practiced.

Additionally, women are a second class citizen in Asia, a highly educated and independent woman who could do a job that most couldn't even wrapped their head's around is the equivalent of slapping them on the face, especially when their manager, also a Fresh off the Boat immigrant male from Asia said "a woman could do the job, why can't you?  You are useless".  And so all their hatred directed toward the woman to the point where eliminating her anyway they could, ruined her life to murder just as Malala Yousatfican.

I grew up in NYC.  When I was young, we barely have enough to eat.  The free school breakfast and lunch were taken away by my one of my Chinese teacher and all the Hispanic teachers.  My other Chinese teacher  Ms. Lai and the Principle helped saved my free lunch.  Worked 3 jobs every summer since High School, mostly in the Greenwich Village, and temp on Wall Street.   Due discriminations by all races since elementary school, particularly by Asians and Hispanic, including a Chinese teacher in elementary school who refused to teach me to write due to discrimination;  I knew I had to be self-sufficient.  I loved to travel, talk to people, did all sorts of crazy things in High School, and even wanted to start a girl band in High School.   I was pursuing a PhD to be a Scientist/Researcher to change the world and make the world a better place to live.

How many people understand someone like me grew up in NYC where we party in places you saw on entainterment TV and magazines mentioned with names like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Boy George, etc.  This was in High School.  Some of my friends' parents were well-off in NYC.

And so I was targeted on every job since the 1990s by Fresh off the Boat immigrants from Asia, as so in the Patent and Trademark Office the first month on the job by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, Susanne Lo's friends from India, amount many others who I had never met in my life.  And later by ghetto Asians such as my officemate Hung Havan, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and their friends such as Nathan Hillery that finally got me terminated.

I am running out of savings and will be homeless soon........there is no hoped to restore my position in the Patent and Trademark Office in light of the ruling by the EEOC Adminstrative Judge Nancy Graham.  It is just a kangaroo court.

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