Saturday, December 14, 2013

People who said they don't like me without ever met me

came from places like this.

They sold their own daughter to pedophilia for money while they gamble that money away.  This is the kind of people you are dealing with.

And one of the main reasons they attacked me is they perceived me as Americanized (see previous blog for Americanized definition), an anti-American sentiment.

Asian coworkers slandered and maligned me were mostly from Asia where there was no way the Americans could verify any of their claims on education, experiences, place of birth or even their name.  Many came illegally and had stolen identity.  This is how ridiculous it was in the 1990s and early 2000s in the Silicon Valley.  One of the coworkers was a bank teller in China and was working as an engineer.  He knew nothing, yet was able to claim the credit for the success of one of the most complex project in Chip Design, when I was the only one that had extensive experiences in running this type of project and was the sole project lead.  90+% in this tech company were from Asia.

Also, like the Europeans, Asians also discriminated against each, in a very primitive way as bad the Nazi (ie, Japan), or our KKK or redneck.  That is to say, the Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian from Asia all discriminated against each other.  Asian-Americans such as me had no idea this was going on, and got our life ruined by people from Asia in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry.  That's why I stop telling people about my race, nationality, etc.

I, on the other hand, had worked 3 jobs every summer since High School to give myself an education.  Was an adjunct, an Applied Physics researcher with published paper in one of the most respected publication, and was pursuing a PhD.  I can be found throughout the New York City education system from elementary to Graduate level university.

I always wondered why are these people from Asia so vicious, male and female alike.  They slandered and defamed a person whom they had never met in their lives to ruin the person's life, have her raped, physically harmed and killed by slitting the person's throat.  Well, these people sold their own daughter to pedophilia for money.

Those Americans believed everything they said and terminated me, sexually harassed, abuse and helped spread the rumor, had helped them to ruin an Asian-American woman's life and had helped in slitting my throat.  How different are these Americans from the Islamic extremists who would shoot a little girl Malala Yousafzai in the head at zero range because she advocated for education for women?  And most of these Americans were working in the Silicon Valley and the Patent and Trademark Office.

Also, for those who are working with them, they could easily do the same to you, how safe are you?

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