Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Being perceived as Americanized by people from Asia means

I don't share the same ideology (anti-American sentiment, etc) as the people from Asia, and most of my friends were non-Asians, and were well-liked by non-Asians; which they see as being a traitor.

Also, I am an independent, educated, and confident woman; which is not how a woman suppose to behave in the Third World Asian culture where women are a second class citizen.  Women supposed to be submissive (which is also why some American men liked Asian women), that's why the West sees Asian women as "mousy".

Males from Asia do not like Americanized Asian women, worse when an Asian woman such as I excelled in jobs they could not wrap their heads around.  It is the equivalent of slapping them in the face, therefore by sexually harass, degrade, fired, physical harm, rape and slit of the throat that meant to kill me are ways of taking control, and asserted authority as a man.  This is a common practice in their culture when women dared to challenge the statue quo.  Women/girls were brutally raped and killed are very common in places like India.

Basically, people from Asia continue to practice their Third World culture here in the US, and the Americans are helping them to keep women down when they acted on their slanders by sexually harassed me, abused me, degraded me, fired me, do physical harms to me.   In term turning me into hating America/Americans as well, just like them.  But I am not, I saw through them long time ago.

Typical slanders are just the opposite of the truth as the people from Asia think since the Americans are so stupid, they will believe anything these people from Asia said.  For example, if a woman is well liked or American men were asking the people from Asia for information on an Asian woman since they are all Asians, they must know each other; people from Asia would slandered this Asian woman "no one wanted her; no one liked her".  If the woman is knowledgeable, the slander would be "she doesn't know anything".  Etc.  This is also a way to ensure Asian women are NOT dating non-Asian males, and the Asian women's only option is to date Asian males.

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