Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Managements were either demoted or fired due to Hung Havan and his cabal

Hung Havan's cabal - Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her (Indian) friends; in addition to Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen.

Did Nathan Hillery promote to management to replace the demoted management yet?  Zachary Clifton's old position perhaps? 

It is indicative and scary of how a few nefarious individuals had such power of control over a large U.S. Government institution and surroundings of the U.S. Capital. 

They have shown capable of doing harm to managements by indirectly influenced their demotion and termination.  
Most had worked for decades to get the promotion.   Managements were demoted or terminated partially due to wrongful termination of me because they were misled; while some of them are either promoted or still have a job after all they've done.  One saw me in the USPTO campus after my termination and laughed so hard he couldn't stand up straight saying "I can't believe those idiots really fired her".

These people are lawsuits waiting to happen. 

Which management will they target next?  

Can you afford to have your reputation ruined and terminated as they did to me even with the kinds of accomplishments I had and worked nearly 24/7?  

Also, large number of Tuan Nguyen's countrymen have been hired and promoted in the Patent and Trademark Office after my termination, with less qualifications.  Much like the Tech industry/Silicon Valley, while people couldn't wrap their heads around emulation, were hired by their countrymen.  I am one of the few, if not the only one could run emulation projects on time and within budget back then, but was not hired.  While Tech CEOs push for more H1Bs  because they couldn't find qualified American candidates.  

Companies were taken hostage as they couldn't do anything about such practices due to the whole emulation team was either Indians, Vietnamese or Chinese, even though their success rate of emulation projects was low; and I had a proven track record of succeeding.  In response to my successes, "too bad she is a woman".  They also changed "she is the only person could run emulation projects" to "she is the only woman doing emulation".  Typical peer sentiment was, "she freaks me out".  Other management were either clueless or didn't want a woman working under them.

If I am a male, I would be very successful in the Tech industry.

As a note, most of these engineers would've been my students had my research funding wasn't cut.  They were forced to compete with someone could've been their Professor due to discrimination toward promoting women, particularly to management positions.  

If I was hired, they would slander, sexually harass and abuse me until I either resigned or fired; the same treatment I got in the USPTO.

In one of the 10+ Intel interviews (I get frequent flyer mileage flying from NYC to the West Coast), almost all speak with a heavy Indian accent, one with a heavy Indian accent told me with a smirk "Emulation projects moved to India now".  All it took was for them to say they don't like me to justify for not hiring me.  No one even bother to ask why or look at my qualifications, kind of like being terminated by the USPTO.

If these were Caucasians as opposed to Asians, would it be easier to see discrimination?

And yes, discrimination is still alive and well in America.  It never went away as I have experienced it since elementary school; only now it is not just practiced by Caucasians, but by all ethnic groups.

I've also been discriminated by Chinese as well, my so called "countrymen",  mostly by those arrived in America in less than 10 years, uniquely Silicon Valley phenomena where the engineering department consisted of mostly recent immigrants from Asia.  Some refused to talk to women.  In interviews, some just sit there without saying a word while I tried to get them to talk, then just walked out and told their manager they don't like me.  One of their white dude manager just stood there completely bewildered while keep looking at my resume, looked at me and looked at this Indian engineer.  Indian managers knew exactly what was going on.  

They said they don't understand me.  Equally, it took me years to understand them, a little.  

Most of these people were still dressed by their Mom every morning.  Some acted like a frighten children probably because they had never left home,  and now on their own in a strange land of an evil empire (America).  They thought they were the only one discriminated against, not realizing is a common practiced, which is understood by Asian-Americans either grew up here or been here for a long time.   

When I was in the Silicon Valley,  they told me to go home; they knew I was from NYC.   Meaning from their perspective, I am an effigy of Americans; in the same vein as the bombing of the World Trade Center, or the shooting in the Sheikh temple mistaken as Muslim.   I am also perceived as an Americanized Chinese, which is akin to a traitor.   They use social media such as email, mitbbs.com, etc., to exchange information such as in here http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/16/AR2008041603579.html?hpid=topnews   

They use the Internet/Smartphone to do harm, while Americans build Apps for the Internet/Smartphone and become billionaires.   A tale tell sign of the mentality of people.

I was targeted as soon I arrived in the Silicon Valley, just as I was targeted by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen the first month on the job in the Training Academy.  I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats by Asian gangs.  I am under raped threats here in Arlington, VA.

Many of those participated in slandered and maligned me in the Silicon Valley are now management in the likes of Google, Facebook, Apple, Intel, etc, and some in top level management.  Some had joined the likes of google before IPO while kept me out of being hired with defamation, which means they are now worth 100s of millions.  I can't secured a job because of all the defamations, and will be going homeless soon.

So why are those who caused the demotion and termination of management are not terminated?  It is mind boggling sometimes, the Agency conscientiously selects the lowest common denominator to work at the Agency, and to ensure the Agency infected with the lowest common denominator; such cesspool.  

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