Friday, May 24, 2013

As I was walking in a park

This middle age Mexican male walking from the opposite side of the path said "Hello, do you need a man?" with a heavy accent.

That's why I carry a pepper spray , maybe I should get a gun, too.

There was a raped by a Mexican male nearby about 2 months after I moved here to Arlington VA. Arlington hasn't had a raped for years. 

Within the week of the raped incident, there were middle age Mexican men stand nearby where the raped took place around the time I took my walk everyday, some tried to talk to me. There was never any Mexican male stand in that location before or after the week of the rape incident.

In the same location, a park employee speak with a Vietnamese accent asked me why do I come here everyday. Now how did he know I do my walk here everyday?

I changed my routine since. 

To answer that, let me put it this way "I need a man as much as I need a disease". Men directly or indirectly had ruined everything that took my whole life to build, and I am about to go homeless, while continuously subjected to sexual harassment and abuses everywhere I go.

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