Saturday, January 21, 2017

Looking for a China man wife

Where ever I go, there are always these vulture like White males, mostly old, circling around me like vulture circling a carrion.  Since they had strikeout by White women, they thought a China man is an easy catch, and must've flattered by  attention from a White man.  This got worst after they heard "no one wanted her" from thugs from Asia, male and female alike, then sexual harassment and rape threats ensued.  That's why I had to leave volunteering position such as Bikes for the World.  This kinds of fake news/defamation will only get worst and will eventually resulted in physical harms by these desperate old White males who believed the fake news.  When they didn't get what they want, they will resulted to force as they see me as a China man, but not to a White woman.

These are the bottom of the barrel losers in every way who think they, White males, are superior then me, a China man.  These White males mostly looking for an indenture servant also serve as their sex partner as they never had one, without pay.

In this Women's March, there are these White males being there just to take advantage of fact that there are so many women, they think they could find a wife.

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