Sunday, September 4, 2016

While canvassing for Hillery

ran into many people from Asia, mostly from China.

If I know these people, their ignorance and innate maleficence, they had no idea what canvass is nor our political process, and so someone such as I knocking on doors, these people will show their true color of where they came from by assuming a woman must up to no good such as prostitution, etc, and spread that around. 

People from Asia in general will try to do harm to any Asian that they perceived as happy, doing - well, and/or Americanized.  Don't forget they are from a 3rd world, and this is their mentality.  After they surpass other Asians, they will then go after the next powerful representative - the Caucasian.  In short, they go after those they know they have influence upon.  As they gained power, they then go after the next immediate people that is in their way to the top.  Case in point, the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry.

They knew how stupid and trusting the American, and can easily used as a cheap tool, so they say whatever they wanted without any basis whatsoever about me, who I had never met in my life, and 99% of Americans believed them.  And that's how I ended up ousted, demonized, make into public enemy #1, at the verge of homeless, and 2 failed attempted beheadings.

You can take a 3rd worlder out of the 3rd world, but you can't take the 3rd world out of a 3rd worlder.

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