Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I am not an outlier. I am a norm.

Chinese, like any other minority, been seen as lesser of a race, and been treated as such by American society.  So when someone like me who didn't remain as a lesser, or 2nd Class citizen, I became an outlier.

But I knew I am not lesser.  The Chinese history, which I study in my Sunday School when I was a teenager indicated 5000+ years of Chinese history are far superior than any of the Western history.  A sample of such can be seen in a novel loosely based on history is The Romance of Three Kingdoms.

It is ignorance to think Chinese are lesser of any race.  As a matter of fact, one can easily assert that most Americans are hillbillies when compared to some of the more advance society of the Europeans.

In addition to the conventional believe that women are not wired to think technically, therefore are not good in jobs in the Science and Technology field, and further re-enforce by some of my professors, which I saw it as a way to keep women down, just as the believe toward Chinese as a lesser of a race.

All I did was NOT to conform to the conventional beliefs, which I hoped, via blog or any means to let women/people aware, and to live their life to their fullest potential.  As a note, I worked 24/7 for all my accomplishments.

Go change the world and made the world a better place to live.

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