Thursday, May 15, 2014

A breeder came in today

seems like he thinks he knew me, most likely from all the rumors/slanders/defamation he heard and took it as the truth (what do you call those people?).

He had mistaken me for Susanne Lo, like so many imbeciles that misled by Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery and Michele Choi.

He seems to see me as if I am a fresh piece of meat.

Anyway, just another person makes me sick to my stomach.

How did I know Susanne Lo and Bill been dating for a long time?  I was up in her office in the 10th floor for a piece of pie on pie day on March, 14 (π 3.14, get it?) 2011.  I was so happy there are people in the USPTO celebrate pie day, as we geeks/nerds did in the Silicon Valley.  I was checking the view out on the 10th floor in her office and said "wow, nice view!  How did you get a nice office like this?".  Susanne Lo replied  "my boyfriend got it for me".   Then later we saw Susanne Lo and Bill together all the time, going home together all the time and behaved like more than friends in a working environment.  In addition to talk about their relationship and marriage openly and loudly in his office where we could hear them all the way down the hall from my office.  Furthermore, people like Dwin Craig and many others also knew they were having an affair.  I knew I wouldn't want to touch that with a ten foot pole, also fear of caught in a cross-fire.  So I kept a distance as much as I could and put my headphone on with  music blasting, which I got a warning for over usage of the bandwidth.

Unfortunately, my officemate was a close associate of Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill who misled people into thinking I am Susanne Lo and Michele Choi as a way to set me up for termination with his coteries Nathan Hillery and Michele Choi who were also Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill's close associates, In addition to Susanne Lo and her friends from India, as well Tuan Nygugen and his countrymen, and a few others such as Dwin Craig, Paul Rodriguez, etc I named in my EEOC.  Management used that as a pretext to terminate me even though I worked 24/7 and with outstanding accomplishments.


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