Saturday, June 4, 2022

An East Asian woman gave me an evil eye

on the Mount Vernon Trail. She was there b/c of me. Something is going on in the Patent and Trademark Office? 

For 1st gen Asians that were able to secure a job in the Patent and Trademark Office, Silicon Valley, or Tech, they are the ruling class in their authoritarian or upper caste homeland, much like our White supremacists.  As such, they identified with White Supremacist aka Republican/Trump Party.

Back when I was in college in the 1980s, we people of color tried to help each other.  My college buddies were mostly Hispanics, Blacks and women of color.  

While foreign students from Asia (mainly Chinese from Taiwan or Hong Kong, not indigenous Taiwanese.  I didn't encounter any foreign student from China.) shunned me and called me "slut, whore, etc".  When I tried to talk to them thinking they might needed help in America, they ignored me and said to his friend "she is desperate for a man".  I endured all sorts of discriminations as an Asian American girl growing up in NYC where the likes of Trump ran the city, but 1st gen Asians are the most toxin people I had ever encountered.  They radiated HATE energy, as with most 1st gen Asians 

They are worst then the people in Oliver Twist's childhood or today's Alex Jones who said Sandy Hooks is a hoax.  There is very little humanity in these people and nothing redeemable about these 1st gen Asians.  90+% of 1st gen Asians in the Silicon Valley and now here in NoVa/Arlington VA are still inciting hates against me using fake news today, because they perceived me as an American.  They make me an effigy of American for decades now.

One Chinese from China who followed a Tiananmen Square activist to our school and shared the same Grad student office with us.  You can tell he is a China Operative.  When he moved in, he acted like he owned the office.  He almost told me to get out of my desk so he could take it.  I think he tried to get his PhD advisor to tell me to move, but his advisor instead put a desk next to me.  His advisor never had another Asian PhD student since this China Operative.  The Tiananmen Square activist was scared and afraid.  

 Asian Operative invaders are obviously stalking me, from the Silicon Valley, the Patent and Trademark Office to now here in NoVa.

Interestingly, there were Russian foreign students, mostly studying Computer Science and Engineering.  They were the only students I had a hard time competing with.  Whenever they shown friendliness toward me, their friends (handler?) stopped them from talking to me.

As a Researcher, one of my colleagues' name that sounds like 'Jihad'. said he was from Jorden (I was thinking a country name Jorden, like Michael Jorden?), who asked me if I know what 'Jihad' means.  I said no.  Well, he wanted to do research in Nuclear Physics.  Our library was full of Nuclear Physics researches.  I believed the FBI got in touch with the Head of our dept, gave 'Jihad' his PhD within a year, and sent him home.

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