Friday, October 20, 2017

My APPEAL case against the UPSTO deny!

So what's next?

The Real Estate agent pushing to evict me, but still couldn't come up with a reason.

The broken clavicle is still very painful, and signs of loss of memory and blurry sight.

Wherever I go, if there is one Asian Operative, I am in danger of being the target of insidious fake news that endanger my safety.

I tried to report this to the police to prevent future accident, but the police said  I don't have a case. 
I tried to report about young Hispanic/Latino violence in 2013, police attribute to racism. 
I've been warning the steal of trade secrets since 2004, the Asian operatives operating in the Silicon Valley and in America in general.

What ever happen in America, it is self inflicted.


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