Thursday, October 12, 2017

Bike accident, remembering more......

As I remember more and more, there were 5-7 bikers standing around me when I woke up.  I also remember I ran into a back of a vehicle.   But the vehicle was no where to be find when I woke up.

Mona Chu
Mona Chu,

in the under path of I-66. There was a vehicle there, did anyone saw the license plate? The vehicle was gone after I woke up.
I want to THANK-YOU for those who watched over me when I was unconscious after the accident. You gals/guys were AWESOME! 
Only now I am beginning to remember what happened. Like most that biked through this path as I have the last 4 years, as you going down the slope of the trail in the westward direction, you know that you can’t see anything under the highway 66 under-path where the sun doesn’t shine; there is a sharp 90 degree turn into the dark under-path, then you should see the light between the highways and the end of the tunnel that led to another 90 degree turn. Well, after I finished volunteering, I was leisurely biking home as I usually do the last 3-4 years. As I biked down the slope and didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and wondered why this is so dark, I was under the highway in the dark and saw grayish in front of me, and then it was too late. BAM!
I had 5 stitches on the head, a broken clavicle and pains on the left torso for weeks bed-bound. I could've been dead if I didn't wear my helmet.
There were at least 5-6 bicyclists there after I woke up, if you were there, can you shot me an email so I can thank-you in person?
Also, did someone report this to the police?
Update: I tried to report this accident to the police to ensure the perpetrator(s) is found to ensure the safety of our community. So to make the long story short, the police asked me “how did you know you didn’t fell off the bike?” like a typical Applied Physics researcher, I stop and think of all the scenarios that could caused the injuries (5 stitches on my head and lost of memories) I had based on physics laws, so I said “no, something had to be in front of me”. Police said until a witness comes forward, I fell of the bike.
  The same mind-experiment I used to build Star Trek's Transporter, and would've been crazier then Elon Musk (
Sorry, y’all. Now you have to be careful when you are out on the trail; especially in light of the NYC West Side where a track plowing down bikes on 10/30/2017 (
I was on my way home after my usual volunteer teaching of computer skills to low incomes and immigrants given by Computer CORE.
THANK-YOU again.

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