Monday, September 7, 2015

People from Asia allowed to defame me

from the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/San Francisco Bay Area/NYC/DC metro, with the intention to ruin a woman's life because I am an Americanized-Asian woman, and they came from a 3rd world culture where women are a 2nd class citizen, and shouldn't be educated.

But I am not allowed to point out what they are doing to me.  People either don't feel comfortable or censored me. 

When I pointed out in a Washington Post article (Indian immigrants make it obvious that the American dream is alive and well) what males from India did to me in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry; mainly, their success is built on by ruined other race/genders' lives such as mine and only hired their own people or not admitted into Universities such as MIT; I was censored.

I am at risk of being censored by Google/Blogger because of the control the people from Asia have in the Tech industry - a male dominated industry.

Indian immigrants make it obvious that the American dream is alive and well:

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