Saturday, October 30, 2021

Nasty treatment by 2 White male voters(MAGA)

A middle age white male waiting in line to vote screamed at me "you are too close to the line, and not supposed to talk to people waiting on line".

This also happened in 2020.  Audrey Clement was there in both times, and I saw them spoke to her prior to the screaming.  I was singled out on both screaming.  Even the Republican volunteer was at least talked to me, not about the incident, but not her.  I shouldn't voted for her.

There were other poll greeters around, but I was singled out and treated with hostility.  I said to the poll observer "see, I am being singled out".  The exact comment by a privileged entitled white male who was a Poll observer, "it must be something about you that people don't like."  I said "that's not nice".  

3 of the 4 county board candidates were there as well, none stood up for me.  Said a lot about these people.  

Day after Day, year after year, people of color, particularly women of color have to endure this type of harassments and abuses.  We are fired such as done to me by the Patent and Trademark Office.  Our careers are ruined b/c of these racists.  In my case, 3 failed murders and at the verge of going homeless.  But to privileged entitled white males, it is a joke to them.

I volunteer with the Dem b/c Trump, #GQP and MAGA wanted America to remain a White Supremacy patriarchy.  Just as have been done by the Silicon Valley #tech #STEM, where women and Americans of color have been systematically targeted and ousted.

Asian Operatives advanced their domination of the Silicon Valley just as done by Russian Operatives that helped Trump won the Presidency.  Asian Operatives reached critical mass by 2001, and now dominated the tech c-suite such as Google, Microsoft, Cisco, etc.

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