Saturday, February 4, 2017

Why large % of Asian women in the STEM field

The best way to explain this one told me girls can't do math.

Asians were so low in the food chain that most people didn't even bother with us, so there wasn't a concerted effort to keep us down, except by other Asians from a different region of Asia such as Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Pacific islanders, etc.  In similar manner as Europe where the French, Brit, German, Italian, etc discriminated against each other, but worst as Asia is still a 3rd world culture, including Japan. 

Another word, no one told us that women can't do math or STEM.  It is a Western belief.  On the contrary, in recent years, there is a belief that Asians are good at math, which re-enforce more Asians to go into the STEM field.  This wasn't as pervasive as when I was in the K-12 in the 1970s-1980s. 

Don't forget that women pioneered computer programming, but have been deliberately kept out of history.

Since the beginning of time, women conditioned to a role of parasitic existence that rely on men to survive, because of the hunting and gathering survival of the fittest world where muscle ruled; while women rely on their wits to survive.  Today's world is such that "brain over brawn", and women have been using our brain to survive since the beginning of time, unlike men where muscle is the first thing comes to their mind......ummm, rather, 2nd thing comes to mind.  1st thing has always been the urge to breed, aka a breeder.  Such urge been the root of wars.  It is the reason for every live form's existence, from a plant to a virus - to ensure the survival of the species.  The survival of the fittest society will continue until we change to a new paradigm- to a society where people are free to pursue their aspiration, regardless gender, color, creed, etc.  Such society is more and more a reality as robot become common to do the jobs human doesn't want.  In an aspirational society, a living stipend provided to every one by the government whether the person is working or not is one suggestion as we heading toward a robotic future.  In such society, people are free to start their company; a safety net is there to catch them if they failed.  Also, in an aspirational society, people are free to pursue their intellectual curiosity, artistic pursue, or just be a bum if one so desires.  Males will continue to dominate the Darwin Awards' top list

Don't let conventional believes such as girls can't do math, women are not wired to think technically, etc, to keep women down!  Women are far better at using our brain then men.  Men are far better at using muscle then women.  As an engineer, I can tell you women are equally good, if not better at STEM.  Women tend to give up easily because they were make to believe women are good at tech, while males persevered.  Fewer women in Tech also because society believed women are not wired to understand tech.

An acquaintance's boyfriend locked his dog in a cage since the dog was a puppy.  We adopted the dog and let it free, the dog just stayed in the cage because it didn't know how to walk nor it could stand for lack of muscle.

Now that Asian known as the model immigrant (I had relatives emigrated to America in the 1800s, just like most Europeans emigrated to America, in face of the Chinese Exclusion Act), I like model citizen, there are already backlashes. 

So how low the food chain was the Asian at?  It was so low that even the Hispanics were picking on us.  The Hispanic bilingual teachers had tried to take away me and my siblings' free meals when I was in elementary school.  The principal stepped in and saved the free lunch but not the free breakfast.  Now you know why Asian kids are mostly skinny bones and Hispanic kids are fat and big.  This actually motivated us to work harder in school for a brighter future; also our f@#& you.  Recent Asians from Asia had never had to experience this and would never understand this types of racism.  My Hispanic friends had taught me how to curse in Spanish so I could defend myself.

So, Paul Rodriguez, the supervisor I had while employed by the Patent and Trademark Office didn't have any technical background, and was a salesmen prior to this job, set me up for termination from the get-go, a pioneer in the Emulation field of patent class 703 where Rodriguez was the supervisor, an Applied Physics researcher with published paper, as an EE adjunct, a Master's in EE, and outstanding accomplishments in the Tech field throughout my career; as much .  The Hispanic/Latino had given every advantage for decades, at least since the 1970s, hence why such large population today, and Rodriguez was hired without any technical background and promoted to be a supervisor, what did he do with such opportunity?  He systemically terminated every woman and Asians under his management.

Another phenomena that contribute to more Asians, or English as a 2nd language kids/young adults, is that we can't compete in a field where there is a demand in the fluency of the English language, but math or STEM is an exception; the gap can be overcome.  While kids fluent in the English language didn't have to make an effort to continue in fields other then math or STEM, the path of least resistance. 


If our society put athletes, actors and singers as heroes, guess what?  Your kids want to be them.

Why didn't I got involved in drugs?  I couldn't even afford to buy pizza, and had to work 3 jobs every summer since High School when I was beginning to experiment with life.  Reading kept me grounded.

In short, you are/society/social norm/conventional believes keeping your kids out of the STEM field, especially girls.  Math or STEM is like a 2nd language your kids have to learn.  Schools should given Math and Science the same weight as English, this is the only way to prepare America for the future.   

The few African-Americans that were hostile toward me were also hostile toward African-Americans, far less then Asians hostile toward me.  Another word, most African-Americans didn't have the innate predatory instinct of the Hispanics, Asians from Asia (case in point: wide spread of women engineers in the Silicon Valley preyed on by males from Asia) or Whites in America.  Understand that Asian is at the bottom of the food chain, and an economically disadvantage Asian girl/women are at the bottom of the Asian food chain, that was me, and one of the reasons why I was targeted.  Things may have changed now that Asian seen as a model immigrant/citizen, and used to justify discriminatory treatments toward African-Americans.

African-American is differ from Hispanic/Latinos because their family structure and community completely decimated by slavery.  It is like a kid growing up in a dysfunctional family, is a crap-shot.  Current immigrants from African with family and community structure completely intact are well-adjusted.

My family was so poor at when I was a child that we didn't have enough to eat, and even the Asians didn't like me because we were so poor.  You can tell from the pathetic clothes I wore back then.  I compensated for that in an outrageous way nowadays despite proclaimed a minimalist, unconsciously, mind you. 

For those who thinks all Asian women are "Tiger Mom" or looking for a "Tiger Mom" to marry, the author of  "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom"  Amy Chua "Tiger Mom"  ( is the John M. Duff Jr. Professor of Law at Yale Law School.  Most of the people from Asia, young, old, male and female came from places that is not much different then North Korea, at best are the equivalent of Trailer Trash/White Trash, and ghetto Asians such as Michele Choi or Susanne Lo deliberately spread "fake news"/defamation against me to make me into public enemy #1,  to incite rape, physical harm, can't secure a job, fired soon if I did everywhere I went, from the Silicon Valley, NYC, to now the DC metro such as in the Patent and Trademark Office (, that I will have to marry one of these low life and live a miserable life, become a prostitute, homeless, or killed myself.  These were their intentions, so do you want to work, live next to, or marry a psychopath/sociopath such as these?  In order to achieve of making me into public enemy #1 all over the US, these people from Asia  are using social media in a well-organized and well-planned way, by a large percentage of the people from Asia, the core in this are H1Bs in tech and illegal immigrants using falsified paper; just as in this UMD Chinese studentDuke Chinese student, etc, by Asian operatives and Asian version of the KKK where propaganda have been used to control their citizens for decades just as in North Korea; from the Silicon Valley, tech industry, NYC, now the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro. 

fyi, as a scientist in training that aspired to be a Transhumanist, I am very good at doing this kinds of a posteriori analysis using empirical data, not hypes, conventional/stereotyping thinking or beliefs. 

Because Asians all look alike to most Americans, especially those from the hinterlands, and those still stuck in the 1950s of the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO, that all Asians, including Asian-Americans are seen as a fresh-off-the-boat Asians, not realizing that I grew up in NYC and had already had the equivalent of 20 years of working experiences in various industry from supermarkets, restaurants/motel, Wall St, to academically as an adjunct and as an Applied Physics research; most of these from Asia came from a privileged family and/or well-connected to the government if not government official family, and never worked a day in their lives and often still dressed by their Mom or servant.  And so suddenly, since the late 1990s, a sudden surge of demand for people from Asia that now dominated the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, and the USPTO since I was there.; that it was these people from Asia instrumental in using fake news to make me into public enemy #1 because they perceived me as an Americanized Asian woman, and therefore dare to excel in jobs over the males.   You can't make this stuff up!

Using words to communicate is really slowing me down.  I think in pictures, like watching a movie.  In order for me to tell someone my thoughts, I have to slow down, think of a word, then tell the person what is in my mind.  Someday, we will use telepathy to communicate.   Scientist, Engineers, or anyone who uses their mind more often then her/his mouth often have difficulty of communicating.  This is just a fact of life, the more you use something, the better you are at it.  Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.

After the failed beheading that slit my throat, I had trouble using my vocal core muscles, therefore losing my voice talking longer then 30+ minutes, or talking in general is problematic if I didn't use the muscle for a while.


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