Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My Civil Case filed in the Eastern District of Virginia

The defendant attorneys for the United States Patent and Trademark Office IS the - Untied States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. 

The website has very limited guidance for Pro Se.  The worst in the country.  One would think the site was build in the 1990s.  When I called or show up in person, some employees were very nice and helpful, but others were nasty and didn't know anything.

My case number:  Civil Action No.  1:15cv01375

There seems to be a conflict of interest.  Untied States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia should excuse themselves from this case.  Why is this appropriate?   It is indicative of America's judicial system is no different then that of Iran or South Korea - the government/King is the law of the land, and is rigged against women, minorities and the common folks such as I, as evidenced by the EEOC and EEOC Appeal rulings.

Consider the massive amount of people had intentionally and maliciously out to ruin my life, who I had never met in my life, from the Silicon Valley/Tech industry to the USPTO, and now the DC metro where 2 failed attempt beheadings on me to make this lawsuit go away.  It said that there are very few decent human beings.  I am treated just as if the Islamic Extremists/ISIS in the Middle East treated women and people different them such as Americans, where they beheaded publically.

Like this new yokel housemate that's been stalking me and thinking he has a chance since "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc", many people were happy that "no wonder no one wants her; no wonder no one likes her; etc".

I will limited my warnings to the dangers ahead for America/Americans, as most had help people from Asia and some ghetto Asians to make me suffered to the point where I will kill myself. 

If there is such thing as Karma, I hoped the same will go to them.

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