Saturday, April 19, 2014

Korean parents of ship wrecked couldn't eat

had to be hooked up to an I-V.

I know how that feels, I was so sick to my stomach in 2001 due to the massive attacks for years, by most of the people from Asia in the Silicon Valley at that time, most were fresh off the boat, as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley; that I couldn't eat or sleep for months.

When I went to the Central Park in Fremont to Rollerblade to help get over this PTSD.  One day the whole park sudden inundated with people from Asia as if it was Chinese New Year in Chinatown, and an ex-worker came to want to do physical harms to me, but I out ran him as I was on a Rollerblade.  One pervert Chinese old male even unzipped his pant in front of me.  From then on, there were continuous stream of people from Asia going to the Central Park where I went rollerblade, where prior to that day, I rarely seen an Asian.  This could only happen if a concerted effort in a well organized and well-planned way.  Well, I guess they are now in control of the Silicon Valley-the High Tech capital of the world, and will be in control of the DC metro too, of the US capital.

This was around 911, 2001

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