Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sexual harassment

This new tenant moved in today.  They don't get a WiFi signal from his location, so I took out my WiFi router and hooked everything up, while I was doing that, the guy grabbed his crotch in a big and obvious way while having one of his legs up to his waist.  It was a deliberate act.  I walked away and another housemate saw that and back away.

I texted him and asked him nicely not to do this again.  He refused to acknowledge this happened and make a big fuss about it.

No good deed goes unpunished.

An ex-coworker name Randy Shaffer make a sex act of having his pervis thrust forward and backward while talking to me while my Supervisor was there.  Later in his email  to my supervisor said that when I came asked him why did he did that, Randy..........

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