Saturday, September 11, 2021

911 is also the 20th anniversary

 that Asian Operatives succeed in keeping me out of the High-Tech industry since 2001, and wrongfully terminated by the Patent and Trademark Office in 8/2011 despite unprecedented accomplishments.

Twitter link to articles with similar attacks on Asian American women.  I highly recommend this article written by a well-known Asian American woman writer on Asian males vicious attacks on her for marrying a white male ("when an Asian man tweeted against the harassment of an Asian woman, the harassers contacted his workplace and asked to have him fired ... the best way to combat this type of harassment may be bringing it into the open — with the entire community, Asians and men included, speaking against it wherever it occurs."  I wanted every community to fight against these Asian version of the KKK).  An example of email to an Asian American woman author.   

Most likely written by an offspring from Asian Operatives that targeted me in the 1990s.  Same psychological profile as Charles Manson. The vicious attacks on me started in the 1990s when 1st gen Asians saw pictures of my college buddies (Hispanics who they see as White, Blacks, Whites and a Jewish.  All engineering, Physics  Grad and PhD students.  Very few Asians back then.  Asian foreign students shunned me, called me a slut, whore; etc b/c of my non-Asian friends.) and the White guy/East German I was dating.  I was also a project lead and a tech lead running a multi-million$$$ project at the time.  An Asian male just arrived in America, asked me what am I.  I said "we are called Asian Americans".  Since then, he and other Asian Operatives went around saying "she said/thinks she is an American", from the Silicon Valley, to the Tech industry and STEM in America, now NoVa/Arlington VA, that make me an effigy of Americans that they all hate since.  Same attacks on Grace Wang tried to mediate a confrontation between Duke Chinese and Tibetan students.  All these Asian Operatives from different parts of Asia, shared the same fervor hatreds toward Asian American women

Today, 1st gen Asians dominated the c-suite in tech such as the world's 2 biggest software companies Google and Microsoft.  Every trade secret worth stealing is stolen.  Asian Operatives from different Asian countries attacking each other, and position themselves to influence Americans, as done in the Silicon Valley and the DC metro where high level Federal employees and Intelligent agencies reside.  Case in point is Arlington VA, and the Patent and Trademark Office where management wrongfully terminated me despite unprecedented accomplishments.  

Asian Operatives are far more influential then Russian Operatives as Asian Operatives work, live, friends and neighbors amount Americans.  Just like Trump controlling MAGA using fake news, no fact to base on whatsoever.  But nevertheless, the USPTO wrongfully terminated me in a haste of 2days based on Asian Operatives' fake news/lies, and most white Americans acted on Asian Operatives' fake news and treated me with hostilities.  I had never met these Asian Operatives in my life.  Most had just arrived in America in recent years.

This year is 2021, what horrific life changing event will Asian Operatives going to have White people do to me this year, just as Hung Havan, Nathen Hillary, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women used the Patent and Trademark Office management as their tools that fired me in 2011 despite unprecedent accomplishment and a public enemy#1 in Arlington VA?  After 3 failed murders, will they succeed?  These people would held as heros in this MRAsian sub-Reddit.  

For 20 years, I've been living in the world of Trump supporters - MAGA.  Most, if not all White people believed the lies/fake news instigated by Asian Operatives (who I had never met in my life, most had just arrived in America), and acted on it.  So I was not hired, or fired just as done to me by the Patent and Trademark Office despite unprecedent accomplishments; treated with hostilities as if I am a public enemy #1 and 3 failed murders.  So, if I didn't know how primitive the human race is, I wouldn't be able to make it to today.  Smart people can't be make into slaves to enrich the ruling class; just look at Trump supporters - MAGA.

Today, Asian Operatives, couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when arrived in America in the 1990s, who we were forced to train, dominated the c-suite in the Silicon Valley, the tech industry, STEM such as the world's 2 biggest software companies Google and Microsoft, and full control of the DC Metro/NoVa, particularly Arlington VA.  Every trade secret worth stealing is stolen.  No women or Americans of color representation because we were systematically targeted and ousted by Asian Operatives using Structural Discrimination, just as done to me in the Patent and Trademark Office.

It all started in 1996/7, as soon as I arrived in SFO/Silicon Valley, where Tech companies with over 95% of the engineering dept consisted of people from Asia and ghetto Asians.  It was like working with factory workers in a sweatshop in a shithole 3rd world, a cesspool.  I had a culture shock on how vicious these people are.  As vicious as Alex Jones said Sandy Hooks was a hoax, and people told MAGA to take horse dewormer Ivermectin for Covid-19, a life and death decision.  That's 90+% of the 1st gen and ghetto Asians (ie Sunny Balwani
) in the Silicon Valley back then (Chinese in America then were mostly from Taiwan, offsprings of an army committed genocide against native Taiwanese, who discriminated against other Asians, particularly Asian Americans such as my childhood friend from NYC and ousted her from IBM in the late 1980s.  Follow by South Asians and Southeast Asians.  A few Chinese from Hong Kong; and very few from China.).  I was running a multimillion dollars project, and well-liked by all, from top management to the receptionist. Until fake news/lies begun by a few Chinese from Taiwan, that took over the whole company, then the whole Silicon Valley and the Tech Industry.  

Just as fake news started by Trump that helped him won the Presidency, now took over half the country in 2021, that resulted in anti - vaxx/mask movement, over 700,000+ Americans died, Voting Rights aka Jim Crow laws 2, Texas banned abortion and Jan 6 Insurrection.

Just as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women instigated fake news/lies against me (who I had never met in my life, often arrived in America in recent years, some illegally using falsified paper); the 1st month I started my job with the Patent and Trademark Office in 2010, in the Training Academy.  Where classmates spread to the rest of the USPTO.  The USPTO employees spread to their family, friends and neighbors in NoVa/Arlington.  That resulted in my wrongful termination in a haste of 2 days despite unprecedented accomplishments; can't secure any job in Arlington/NoVa, not even a volunteering job with non-profits.  A non-profit clearing Mount Vernon Trail that I have been volunteering for a few months, the organizer white male suddenly verbally hustle toward me on the Saturday of 8/28.  An Asian woman, who shown up recently, smirked.  On the same day, I was sexually harassed by a new volunteer white male.  On 9/4 Saturday, when no one was around, I asked what else has to be done? She snapped at me, said something harshly with a nasty facial express -hate.  30 years of experiences tells me thing will only get worst from this point on.  Same when I was a Poll Greeter in 2019 early voting at 2200 Clarendon Blvd, a White male election official was very nice suddenly turned hustle soon after the only Asian woman election observer saw me.  This been going on for 20 years.  Asian Operatives told white males lies/fake news, white males acted on it.  Just as a white woman told lies about Emmett Till, that got him murdered in the most horrifical way.

Also treated as public enemy#1 everywhere I went, and 3 failed murders on me here in Arlington.  It only took one Asian to spread fake news against me such as done the 1st day I walked into Harris Teeter in 2013, by the East Asian woman working the Sushi counter.  Or the South Asian woman cashier in Giant Food at 2901 S Glebe Rd.  Now working at the Customer Service counter. 

Another word, Asian Operatives had full control of the DC metro for years, where the center of world power, top Federal government and Intelligent agencies located.  Just as they had control of the Silicon Valley since 2001.  And every trade secret worth stealing is stolen; like taking candies from a baby.

At the height of the Tech Bubble of 2001 where anyone could walk and chew gum at the same time could walk into any tech company and got hired, while I couldn't secure a job with all my accomplishments few people had and qualifications; despite as soon as I posted my resume in a website, my voice box filled up for days and interviewed at least once a day. Then the Tech Bubble burst and Stock Market crash where I lost almost a million$, that plunge me into a deep depression where I couldn't sleep or eat for months. At the end, I weight about 88lbs.

When 911 happened, it was like a jolt to my system as I was so concern for my family and childhood friends as well college buddies that brought me back from hell. Let's just say that I've been to hell and back.

I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay Area in 2003/4 due to continuous physical harm threats by an Asian coworker and an Asian gang, despite I moved to different locations in the San Francisco Bay Area where people from Asia defamed me as soon as they saw me, just as in the Patent and Trademark Office the first month on the job by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, as well in Arlington/Alexandria, VA neighborhoods.

You see why I see these immigrant/FOB and ghetto Asians as the 911 terrorists/Islamic Extremists, and I am their World Trade Center?

911, how ironic......

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