Today, we Asian American women are not just have to endure all the discriminations in America, but also from 1st gen Asians (men and women), particularly those Fresh-off-the-boat. In addition to people from all over the world, especially those from shithole 3rd worlds.
It is important to understand that in Asia, culturally, females are seen as worthless, and is a 2nd class citizen. All the resources in a family goes into raising the male child. As such, Asian males are privileged and entitled, like males in any shithole 3rd world similar to Islamic Extremists. These Asian males, who called themselves Mr Most second generation Asian males in the Silicon Valley, tech and STEM treated Asian American women engineers such as I with contempt; furious when I didn't flatter them and make them feel like a man. In the same manner as Trump expected from women.
When Asian Women Are Harassed for Marrying Non-Asian Men By Celeste Ng
"I’d thought I was alone, or just unlucky, but as I spoke to other women — 13 for this piece — I realized it wasn’t just me. Targeted harassment from Asian-American men toward Asian-American women over choosing a non-Asian partner or having multiracial children, I discovered, is widespread, vicious, and devastating.
Although the messages come from many users, one particular subgroup on Reddit seems to be the root for most of this harassment. Writers Mimi Wong, journalist Clarissa Wei, and the vast majority of women I spoke to for this piece (including me) were all targeted after being highlighted on “AZNidentity”
they are linked by a common ideology: a belief that Asian women shouldn’t date outside their race — and that as Asian men, they have the right to voice this opinion through toxic harassment.
and 20 of the 30 top posts of all time — explicitly discussed Asian women’s choice of sexual partners. Derogatory and misogynistic language is common:
Hateful language is also directed at the women’s multiracial children. Sometimes it’s direct and horrific: Writer Christine Tan — whose husband is white and whose son is multiracial — received the following email via her personal blog, a few months after suffering a miscarriage. Here’s just the first half of the message."
These are 2nd gen Charles Manson like psychopaths, their parents - 1st gen Asians came after me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, that I've been alerting since 2004.
Asian version of MAGA, Proud Boys, etc have been targeting me for 30 years. This is how I know Trump's fake news could helped him win the Presidency, b/c most people in NoVa/DC metro believed all the fake news instigated by Asian version of the K K K, that resulted in 3 failed murders on me here in Arlington.
Please read this essay to get a sense of the depths of this harassment. It is high time our community finally acknowledge what AsAm women have had to endure for literally decades, and that we finally do something to challenge this ongoing pattern of harassment in our midst.
One thing that never quite gets communicated in descriptions of this harassment is how truly harmful these attacks can be. Attackers organize campaigns to try to deplatform women, doxxing them, get them thrown out of school or fired for being a feminist.
Feminists in the crosshairs of these attacks face real-world danger, never mind the mental and emotional toll of having to deal with an unceasing avalanche of rape and death threats.
This shit has been going on for decades, at least as long as the internet has been around. Most every prominent AsAm women has had to figure out how to survive it, while every AsAm of prominence with the privilege of not having to deal with it basically just ignores the problem.
That’s why I’m so glad @aarontmak wrote this. Thank you for even just treating this issue with seriousness and acknowledging that this is happening.
Now, what’s it gonna take for us to finally put a stop to this type of coordinated anti-feminist harassment?
Profile of these MRAsians:
Grew up in a middle class traditional old world Asian culture, never had to work a day in his life; given everything he wants; Mom dressed him. Females around him have to treat him like a King.
As such, once he is out in the world, he expected the same treatment like a King as at home; where women have to bow and flattered him. They don't like women who don't do that such as I.
They are so entitled that popular, famous, and/or successful Asian women should date them, otherwise these Asian women are racists, and attacked Asian women dating or married a white or non-Asian male to point where no one wanted to date or married her.
Since 2004, I've been alerting: The last globalization ended in WWII
Should be noted it is mostly East Asian American women are being targeted. I highly suspected these #MRAsians are mostly Asian Republicans/#GQPs because of their misogynistic, superiority and entitlement complex that is inherent of a shithole 3rd world culture (Japan, Taiwan, etc, such as in India where women and young girls were gang-raped and burned alive. In China, Uighurs Muslim are locked up in camps. Young girls are still being honor killed by Muslim family members here in America). Asian American women that fit their hate profiles are Republican/#GQP Asians such as Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Melissa Chen, Michelle Malkin, etc.
In India, Muslim women are similarly targeted on the internet. So far, using words/fake news/propaganda and photoshop. Soon, malefactors will be using Deepfake Artificial Intelligent such as in this video 14:24: a woman found her image used in a sex video. Working with people from Asia in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s was like working with people in the era of Oliver Twist's childhood (by Charles Dickens). Today, March 2022, the West abhorred at Putin's invasion of Ukraine where hospitals are being bombed, but China and India are acquiescence.
Biden signs reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act 3/16/2022
Like Americans may look like your European cousins, African cousins or South America cousins, but have completely different life experiences. We Asian Americans have completely different life experiences to our cousins grew up in Asia. This is why I insisted on saying Asian Americans, or people from Asia/1st gen Asian to show the distinction.
When White males/Americans asked Asians, who had just arrived in America (I had never met them in my life. I am from NYC), for my information such as done in the Patent and Trademark Office. White males were told fake news/lies "she is a slut; whore; no one wanted her; no one like her; etc". Which these white males then helped spread the same fake news against me everywhere I went in America, a patriarchy rules by white males; meant to have white males to sexually harass, abuse, rape and murder me. And they did, 3 failed murders. This been going on since the 1990s. Asian Operatives came after me like Alex Jones went after Sandy Hooks parents and School shooting victims such as David Hogg. Like Trump said "Chinese virus" that incited physical harms and murdered on all Asians in America, that led to the #AntiAsianHate movement.
In college in the 1980s, grades were based on exams, not what Asian males and 1st gen Asians said. Often, Americans didn't care what they had to say. But not so in tech companies in America, particularly in Silicon Valley or the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). They reach critical-mass in 2001 in San Francisco Bay Area, followed by the tech industry and STEM such as the Patent and Trademark Office. As such I couldn't secure any job since 2001, fired soon if I did such as by the USPTO, while being sexually harassed and abused everywhere I went in America, as well banned or shadow-banned on the internet owned by Silicon Valley bros that is controlled by Asian Operatives since the 2001.
So since the 1990s, when I shopped in NYC Chinatown as I have been doing since the 1970s, I have been targeted by fresh-off-the-boat from various parts of Asia.
Most Asians in America did not want this to be known, often tried to conceal from being known, until news of Asians being physically harm and murdered on the street, the resulted of Trump calling Covid-19 a 'Chinese Virus'.
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