Saturday, November 14, 2015

What do you do if you have the Master Key or the Ring?


This article is just one example of what a nefarious individual would do with such power in this paradigm shift to a new world - a digital world, which I warned since 2004. 

I warned of stealing of trade secrets since 2004 as I worked in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s where I was an emulation project/tech lead and an engineer that worked with the whole chip design from software (ie: Microsoft Windows) to hardware, everything that makes your computer works (secret to the success of emulation projects). Another word, I have a master key to all locks. What would a nefarious individual do with such power??

As I posted in WaPo numerous times, that nearly all if not all US government agencies, including the military, as well US companies, are hacked, they just don’t know it yet or refused to acknowledge. Needless to say, I was not well received for such comments, as usual.

The people I was training or working with, including the manager with a PhD that had never heard of emulation in their life, all were males from Asia, defamed me and took all the credits for successfully finished one of the most complex projects in chip design process on time and within budget, what do you think they would do with such power??

Intel flew me from NYC to the West coast for interviews in emulation jobs every year from 2004 to ~2008, where the interviewers still couldn’t wrap their heads around emulations, nearly all were males from India. I was never hired. What do you think these people do with such power??

This happened in nearly all my interviews with Tech companies, especially those in the Silicon Valley since the late 1990s, and wasn’t able to secure a job at the height of the Tech Bubble, prior to the 2001 Tech meltdown; with accomplishments such as the 1st person and the only person could get emulation done on time and within budget. What do you think these engineers would do with such power?

People from Asia, who I had never met in my life, attacked/defamed me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley because they perceived as an Westernized/Americanized Asian woman (ie: educated, independent, confident, excelled in the job over them, knowledgeable, sophisticated, etc), an anti-American/West sentiment, what you think they would do when they have power?

Similarly, I was defamed the first month on the job in the Patent and Trademark Office by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women that led to my wrongful termination as well making me public enemy #1 in the DC metro, where top US government official and intelligence agencies reside, also resulted in 2 failed attempt beheadings (see pic) that took place about 5 miles away from the White House, what do you think these people would do when they have power?

I am still here in the DC metro because I want the people, especially those from Intelligence Agencies, to see how dangerous these people are to our society in general. This is the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater. This is what they do when they have influential power in the DC metro. 
What got me suspicious was when one of defamations accused me of being a “spy”. This was in the 1990s, when most Americans couldn’t find China on the map. We were just a bunch of common folks, people just laughed at them. So instead of spy, they later accused me of stealing.

Only top government officials or the Intelligent Agencies such as the CIA, FBI, etc, utter the word “spy”. So why are these people from Asia said it as if is a common practice? Who are these people from Asia (mainly Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian) I had never met in my life that attacked me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley, and later in the Patent and Trademark Office, now the whole DC metro.
Think of this master key as the RING in the movie "Lord of the Ring". What would you do with such power? The perpetrators in this article used such power to get rich.

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