Thursday, February 13, 2014

New housemate is a 3rd world Asian

I just can't get a break.

From all these 3rd world Asians that started slandered and maligned me since the 1990s when I just arrived in the Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay Area, NYC, the first month I started the job with the Patent and Trademark Office, in the 1000 N. Arlington Mill Dr. by a Philipino name  that stabbed me in the back, I wonder how long it takes for this guy to start slandering me.

Only when people accept the fact that 3rd Worlders practiced 3rd world culture, no matter where they are.  Like the European, Asians also discriminated against each in the most premitive and worst possible way just as the KKK/Redneck/Nazi, and treated women just as the Isamic Extremists, they even slit my throat just as the Islamic Extremists did to Malala Yousayfasi - killed educated women.  Worst, most Asian countries had been anti-west and anti-america for decades.  North Korea is model after China.

I just can't get any peace.

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