Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Another eviction by housemates

per Randall be vacate by the end of this year.  I hope there is karma.

Looks like housemates Randall Judt and Tiblets Gerbrekristos is starting another eviction again.  This time they are prepared. 

Just like the Patent and Trademark Office terminated me in a haste of 2 days and make me into public enemy #1 since 2011, they take such pleasure in hurting other people.  Then there are the sexual harassment, abuses, under physical and rape threats everywhere I go as the USPTO employees and the Asian Operatives make me into public enemy #1, in similar manner as the Pizzagate, that now manifested in 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me.

They keep bothered the Real Estate Agent and landlord as if they are their parents, and to evict me over and over again.  Then Randall keep saying it is the landlord Hanna is evicting me.  If I am the landlord, I would've evicted them long time ago for too much drama.  They are not worth the trouble.  Worst, Tiblets keep doing damages to the kitchen counter top which I tried to stop, but instead, she screamed and yelled at me; and Randall sided with her.  I had already expressed  to leave as this is just too much drama for me.

In a typical American society, landlord typical doesn't evicted tenant under the duress of another tenant.  But in this case, it may very well be the case as the Real Estate Agent and landlord are from Africa, shown limited understanding of the rental laws and common practices; as so with both of my housemates, hence this mess of one botched eviction after another. 

If they did a google search, they would know how the eviction process works and laws governing eviction; needless to say, neither know how to google.  Tiblets is a computer software major in college.  I didn't want to arm these vicious people with any more know-how to do evil to others.
Remember, it is I organized this housing arrangement after the last Landlord evicted us because Tiblets told the HUD we had more then 6 people living in the house.  They all were shocked and at a lost, so I helped everyone find a place to move and organized moving.

I had already indicated I will be moving out in the early 2018 to the landlord as well Randall.  I also asked Randall to be my reference for this new rental place, which he agreed, so it is not something he didn't know about. 

I had not received an eviction letter yet, but an email from Randall indicated that housemates and landlord had already make the arrangement, and the landlord is sending out the letter.  The Real Estate agent and the landlord are from African and don't know the laws here, neither is housemate Tiblets who is a refugee that is fully supported by the refugee program. 

The evictions, over and over again, meant to be malicious, cruel and inhumane, as if this is still a 3rd world practiced by the "have" to the "have-not".

I asked Randall what does he know about the eviction per the email he sent me last night, he said I needed to ask Hanna the landlord and the Solomon Real Estate Agent.  I asked him who initiated the eviction.  He said I should ask Hanna and Solomon.  I said you initiated the eviction.  Randall said it is now out of his hand and that I should talk to Solomon and Hanna.  I said you don't do this to another human being.  He seems to be happy at what he did and walked out of the door.


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