Sunday, March 19, 2017

Mao's Red-Guards

I did some research on what kinds of people I was dealing with in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, I found this right away in 2007.

I was watching a documentary on Mao's Culture Revolution in a Chinese channel.  Watching Mao's Red-Guards ruthless treatment toward people from their own teacher, Principle, to anyone that was accused of not having the right frame of mind or attitude.  Mao's Red guard took them out to the public, make them begged for forgiveness, beaten them, and throw rocks at them.  Some women were strip naked and throw into a all male jail.  Many die because of this.  Consider Mao's Red-Guards' grew up practiced such ruthless politics, and they were the elites of China who were selected to attend higher education, as well their offspring, not based on merit.  Similarly, they and their offspring were selected or allowed to leave the country as exchange students and as researchers.  Now I realized what kind of people I was dealing with in the Silicon Valley.  That's why they were so good at playing the propaganda game. 
Also read up on India, the raped and killing of women, some stubbed to death on the street, hanged by elders of the village after raped by father, a woman doctor in training raped in a bus and with metal pipe that took out her internal organs, etc, etc, etc,  This happened just the last few years.
These were the people targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, make me into public enemy #1, and now 2 failed beheadings on me.  These are also the Silicon Valley/Tech industry and the USPTO spent millions defending, while forced us women to work with these salvages. 

This was written  around Jan 2007

racist asshole? nah < sally_skellington > 02/10 21:41:48

That's just ZenTechie. Zen is Asian herself, but was raised in America. She encountered a lot of flak and negativity from the Asians-from-Asia that she worked with, because she looked like them but didn't conform to their gender roles. She's had a hard time finding a job because of that. I'm not saying that necessarily makes some of the things she says OK, just that people who know her backstory tend to be more tolerant of her posts than of the average KKK-wannabe who drags their knuckles through the forum.

Also, I've seen many people smacked down this week for committing the various -isms you claimed we were OK with. You see what you want to see, I guess.

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