Thursday, November 24, 2016

Trump won because

Confluence of many forces.  The tale-tell is who voted, mainly the redneck counties in the Mid West and the South, and mostly 35+ White males as the electoral-college.

FYI, I volunteered to canvass for Hillary as soon as Trump became the GOP's Presidential candidate.  I had warned in WaPo when Trump was the finalist on the GOP's Presidential ticket "current condition is conducive to Nazi like characters to get in the position of power".  Since I knew ahead of time, and did my best to prevent the worst, including canvassing for Hillary while suffering from PTSD of afraid of people from Asia and leaving the house, to the point during canvassing, I was so afraid to be out that I sweat and my body shake, that I had to go to a stair way to get over the fear, yet I continue for months without stopping; I was not surprised Trump won.

The major contribution to Trump won was the social media, aka information war.  Like Pizzagate, Gamergate, and my case of making me - an aspired Transhumunist, a public enemy #1; Alt-Right such as Breitbart ( incited those with the following hidden resentments (racism, sexism, etc) that is not allowed to express openly; but I knew because I personally experienced as an Asian woman engineer that targeted by Asian operatives using fake news.

   -  Dem's 8 years of Presidency term is over.
   -  Hillary's team adopted what they thought was Obama's win in 2008: a young White guy with an old White guy ran Obama's campaign without understand really why Obama won; that's because most of the team members were tokens without substance; while an empty suit without substance (males version of Paris Hilton), a braggart and a dirty old man won because 80-90% of Americans will believed anything anybody say.  If someone said it, they will believed; as I learned working in the Silicon Valley and the Patent and Trademark Office, that being spread in the NYC as well the DC metro.
   -  Hillary's team consisted of tyrants that fired people who tried to warn of wrong-doing such as the email server, such person, a she, was terminated by her supervisor, also a she; her civil case was dismissed and she didn't get her justice.  I came across her lawsuit while doing research for my case of employment discrimination by the Patent and Trademark Office.  Hillary has a choice of what kinds of people she should hired.  At least Trump knew he has to hire the right people to do the job.
   -  Parts of America are not ready for a woman in position of power; just as the Silicon Valley/Tech/STEM/USPTO are not ready for women to be more competent technically then males.
   - Republican party proclaimed to the first Black President a one term President the 1st month he took office, and did everything they could; instead of better their constituents lives who are losing their job, can't pay the mortgage and going homeless.  Trump is not from the establishment.
   - decades of Fox news anti government and minorities propaganda.  Who would deliberately weaken their own country?
   - Americans, White and non-white such as I, been under attacked by people from other parts of the world, mostly illegal such as those from Asia in my case ( that not only make me into public enemy #1, but also 2 failed beheading on me.  We had reached critical mass.
   - Globalization (last globalization resulted in the demised of the East, the raised of the West and Nazi that ended in WWII.  2008 Global Financial Systemic Meltdown had put WWIII on the table) and the digital revolution - equivalent of the Industrial Revolution that resulted in massive shift in economic prosperity, while parts of America are still living like the 1950s, the term "Make America great again" is very appealing to them.
-  A woman candidate (breaking the statue quo) followed the First Black President (breaking the statue quo).  I was surprised the Democratic party make such choice.  The Tea Party was a sign.  The 2012 election won by a hair.  The likes of Tea Party finally got their message out to the rest of Hillbilly redneck counties of America, be it took 8 years.
 -  A woman candidate who's been demonized for decades, and is still married to Bill.  Hillary was the weakest link and a woman when Bill was raising up the rank  and became President, and none of the scandals sticked to Bill, hence the term Telfal Bill; and so Hillary became the lightening rod, the weakest link. 
   -  Comey's letter; because some people just needed some reason to go against Hillery.  They knew Trump is the wrong choice.
   -  Wikileak solely advantaged Trump and the Republican party.
   -   Fake News
   -   Reporters didn't do their job to vet Trump.  The media bosses knew many of Trump's skeletons.
   - Hillary had never learned to hire the right people to do the job, case in point was the RESET incident with Russia, then the Benghazi where some the best died. 
   -  Jon Stewart wasn't there to point out the ridiculous, and do the job of reporting.
   -  3rd Party Johnson gave people didn't want to vote for Trump a choice.
   -  inexperienced/haughty/out of touch  campaign heads.
   - Brexist taught them nothing.
   -  Trump ran his campaign as if he has nothing to lose.  He ran such that he can be in the "driver's seat" as said by one of his sons, in making deals.  Mainly to promote his TRUMP brand because his brand is on it way down, then someone (Minchin?) advised him to run for President because Trump has been braggart about running for years.  I said this because Trump and everyone around him have done everything to enrich themselves, including open a charity.  They didn't have a strategy other then incident racism and sexism that got the redneck counties of America's electoral-college voted for Trump.  Refusing to acknowledge racism and sexism exist don't mean they don't exist.  I've been enduring such every time I go out of my apt in Arlington, VA.  2 failed beheadings (see pic) on me by Asian coworkers working in the Patent and Trademark Office for being an Americanized Asian woman.
  - The only non-establishment from the Republican Party was voted by the people as the Presidential candidate, and now the President of the United States, despite Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.
  - Counties that traditionally voted for Dems, didn't this time; and were visited by Trump.
  - There were people didn't bother to vote because every news organization reported Hillary is going to win.  My housemate's church even told them Hillary was going to win.  There was also a report saying Trump's campaign didn't think he is going to win, which was a ploy, most likely came from Steve Bannon.
  - I was sent to canvass in many of the same locations multiple times.   People were so annoy they slammed the door at me, or even called the property manager to kick me out.  These people most likely take their name out of the Democratic party.

 -The people couldn't believed Trump could win just as those couldn't believed a Black man could be elected as President.  They woke-up got organized, in addition to the establishment completely forgotten they were there to serve the people, not themselves. 

   -So why would someone such as Trump a bither?  He is not stupid.  Like so many Tea Partiers, they can't just come out and say "I hate having a Black man as the leader of the highest office that preside over me", so bither is just a pretext to take him down.  Now that Trump is the President, I am sure Obama feel the same way I did when my subordinates ousted me and took over the Emulation project.  It is a fitting punishment!!!  And they failed miserably, the company 3DFX that hired them went bankrupt soon after.  Those in the field recommended them said they just don't understand why, these people seem to didn't know anything; because they didn't think a woman could run one of the most complex bleeding edge projects in chip process, and was the only one the world could do such on time and within budget.

If Hillary won, women will experienced backlashes.  I hoped Hillary's lost will make women finally realized women are still being discriminated against, and it is still a man's world just like the 1950s, as I've been treated in the USPTO/Silicon Valley/Tech industry/bike world.

Despite sexual assaults on women, and on video saying grabbing women's pu**sy, in addition to saying in a rally gunned a person down on 5th Ave. and Trump would get away with it.  Trump is now the elected President.  Then there's Bill Clinton's womanizing "fake news" through out his Presidency campaign, and Monica Lewinsky; while all the "fake news" hurl toward Hillary Clinton were taken as facts, as if she is a lightening rod.

Now that sexist/misogynist realized how close a woman become President, and won by the popular votes, there will be a concerted effort to target any women that have the potential to be great, just as the Silicon Valley/Tech industry did to Ellen Pao and I.

During canvassing, many of the young women supported Bernie refused to vote for Hillary cited years of demonization of Hillary.  I was especially impressed with one young African American woman as she was very informed.  I told them being a women engineer that excelled in tech jobs over the males, I was targeted, demonized, make into public enemy #1 that now is all over the DC metro; there were also 2 failed beheadings here in Arlington VA.  I explained when women break the statue quo, in position of power, and/or successful, we are targeted and make into public enemy #1.  I gave them my blog.  Now that we know most of the Trump appointees for top government positions, I hoped women realized women and minorities Rights are at jeopardy. 

Looking at who voted for Trump, mainly the redneck part of the country.  They were voting for a White man.  I was surprised the Democratic party supported a woman - Hillary Clinton to be the next President.  Why I posted in Washington Post comment section the VP must be a White man, preferably Bloomberg.

Most Americans were surprised a Black man won the election in 2008.  No one expected that.  Since then, the likes of Tea Party tried to "make Obama a one term President".  They weren't organized enough in 2012.  But finally, they got organized in 2016.  

In essence, the likes of Tea Party in their mind, are "taking their country back" or  "make America great again".

Then a woman chosen to run again Trump.  Now not just the racist, sexist are mobilized to vote against a woman to be President.  Obama (Black) and Hillary (woman) are breaking the statue quo.

White well-off are still refused to acknowledge there are rampant racism and sexism.  It is akin to Paris Hilton trying to understand poverty.   I am experiencing racism and sexism every day here in Arlington/Alexandria, VA, including in a group home by people from a 3rd world and non-profits.  Look at the Executive branch -  Senate and the House, and even the President Aids are dominated by males. 

Disenfranchised White, mostly males, voted for Trump.  Disenfranchised Muslims become Islamic terrorist.

Here is what I’ve been saying since 2004 – We live in interesting time.

Here is a short version:

We are going through a globalization and digital revolution – the equivalent of the Industrial revolution, in addition to policies such as the Trickle-Down economics from the Reagan era, that worsen the gap between the rich and the poor as you see today.  Then the likes of Faux News keep telling their audience that the government is to blame, for decades.  Well, the Republican Party that held the House and Senate refused to sign any policy proposed by the Obama Admin meant (a Black man as President) to stimulate the economy, and said it out loud to make him a one term President.  And so polices such as Rebuild Infrastructure to create job never passed, and so White males suffered.  And so the rest of the country see the government is dysfunctional and not looking after their constituents.

Then a Black man elected for President.

The last globalization ended in WWI and WWII. 

The last 2008 Global Financial Systemic Meltdown put the possibility of WWIII on the table.  Also, when the Presidential Race begin, I warned here in WaPo comment section that “current condition is conducive to Nazi/Hilter like character get into the position of power”

But if is a man running against Trump, he would’ve blew Trump away.  Despite Hillary is the most qualified candidate, she lost; just as I had been experiencing in the STEM field my entire career.

For those still don’t believe are rampant racism and sexism, that’s why Hillary lost and Trump won.

Hillary won the poplars vote while Trump won the electoral-college vote, which is dominated by males, just like the House and the Senate of Republicans.

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