Friday, October 9, 2015

Just another day harrassed and abused by

people from Asia.

This happened in Rite Aid, the cashiers in 2 different locations.  Both are old women from Asia like Sue Tsui. 

This all started in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, as soon as I arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area.  I had never met any of these people from Asia in my life.  They are mainly Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian; for the reason of being perceived as Americanized/Westernized (educated, open, social, confident, not timid or acquiescence toward males from Asia which is the culture norm of women's role in Asia).

These insidious defamation then followed me to NYC, after I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats by an Asian male coworker and later an Asian gang.

And again in the DC metro the 1st month I started the job in the Patent and Trademark Office, that resulted in sexual harassment, abuses, where racist and sexist using these pernicious defamation as a pretext to terminate me, ensured I can't secure a job, fired soon if I did just as in many of the volunteers, physical harm and rape threats everywhere I go, and now 2 failed attempt beheadings on me meant to make the lawsuit against the USPTO to go away.

These old ladies from Asia, and other similar undistinguished people from Asia, old, young, female and male got the intelligent community here in the Arlington VA to believe everything they said, also help in promulgate the pernicious defamation against me.  Another word, they had control of the intelligent community, not just the Patent and Trademark Office.

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