Friday, April 3, 2015

Related everything to sex by males from Asia/Indian males in Tech

Whether the topic was food, language, friends, etc.  They seem to have this smirk in their face that was understood by them where they related to sex, for some reason.  This happened over and over again.  They related everything to sex when they are talking to a woman.  I didn't really understand it back then in the late 1990s to 2000s as there were so few Indians from Asia.  And Indians I knew in NYC while growing up were very nice.

Often when I went to companies for interview with conservative interview outfit, these Indian males, young and old, would look at me up and down, then with a contemptuous/sneering look on their face as if they were looking at a sewer rat.  It was obvious they were forced to interview me, a woman.  This happened all the time in the Silicon Valley since the late 1990s.

Now that as more and more women are speaking out, I just realized that it was not me.  These males from Asia had certain images of women as defined in their culture, that they continue to practice in the US.  They will continue to force sex on women, especially if they are in the position of power.  I still remember a young girl in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area jumped to her death as she was brought in from Indian using H1B as a sex slave by an old Indian male.

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